Why can't we report cheaters DIRECTLY

Check this guy out. Yea I have a name too.
Plse look at this stats. This is a cheater, clearly, he’s been playing for YEARS, day after day, game after game, THOUSANDS of games, ruining entire matches and fun of hundreds of people - every goddamn hour
And nobody cares. Nobody baits an eye. You haven’t had a ban wave in 2 months (!!)
Top tier tanks are CRAWLING with cheaters. It hurts the game. It really does.

I know, in theory you could report cheaters via report replay method but clearly, it’s not good enough.
Why can’t you have a GM type person, that you can msg in work hours and say “hey, this guy obviously cheats, plse ban” – And then he just does it? Crazy, I know but I think this might be possible.

Just ONE guy could make a massive difference.
If you can’t afford it (yea, right ;) or you think it increases expenses, appoint few guys from the community, assign a subforum maybe,
Ppl will do it for free.
And if you say “it’s more complex than this” It clearly isn’t You just don’t care, and you cannot afford not to care. Just my opinion.


Is your judgement based on stats or on suspicious actions?


So you think Shroud is a cheater… good to know you think skill = cheating.

Most cheaters don’t have high KDRs on profile. Rage-cheating is extremely obvious to spot long before they get higher KDRs.


What exactly is the problem with that player’s stats on the screenshot?


It could be because he’s simply good, I’m also a pretty decent to good player in most planes I fly if I do say so myself and I have been randomly accused of cheating countless times in the 4+ years I’ve been playing this game, some people just can’t grasp the concept of skill


You can’t ban a player because of their stat card . . that is lunacy.
And you do report players “directly” . . right there in the Server Replay of a match that you participated in and witnessed questionable activity, that you saw yourself and verified watching the reply, you report from there, making note of the time(s) of rules infractions there in the comments so those reviewing such things have an easier time locating and viewing the accusations. This is the way . . .
You do not get a “day in court”. . there is no trial for you to witness and any “verdict” is kept private between the game and the player in question.
The sole time any kind of sanction is ever mentioned is when they release a list of banned players that were sanctioned for using cheats/bots or scripting, and even that part is left out, only their name is given.
We do not “name & shame”, we report and move on, having faith in the system in place and those that handle such rule violations.
There are two things you might wanna keep in mind:
The only player you have to worry about 99.9% of the time is . . . . you/yourself
and . . . your approval is not required, but your participation is appreciated
(that last one works out in the real world too . . . pro tip)


Also not to sound like an a-hole here I’m looking at your statcard currently, and you have mostly KDs under 1 in both planes and tanks, it clearly sounds like you’re the one who’s clueless here no offense

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I don’t think playing a vehicle a lot, even if very high, means that it is cheating. From what I know, the Porsche Tiger is good in general, which would make sense for him to have that many matches.

If you think he is cheating, then just please use the in-game report function or the replay report function, even though once again, a person having a lot of matches =/= guaranteed cheating.