Is it possible that the armor protection was deliberately weakened?The Merkava just has a front-mounted engine.Why,despite its heavy weight,is its protection worse instead?How could it not even withstand the 3BM42 round on the front of the turret?
Because it would make a certain people to actually make effort in killing it, which they don’t want to.
I had thought that the Merkava Mark IV could rely on exposing only its turret to withstand damage.However,it turns out that its turret can actually be penetrated by the 3BM42.A single sub-caliber steel penetrator,which is not even top-tier,can directly pierce through the front of an eighth-tier tank turret and kill all the crew members inside.This is really absurd.
Sadly it’s plastic, people already made bug reports about it being easy to kill but they’ve been rejected or acknowledged but no implementation yet.
The armor protection of the Merkava Mark IV is almost no different from that of the Ariete,and what’s more,it weighs 11 tons more than the Ariete.
unfortunately, looking at the winrates of the Merkava 4s, they do not really suffer. Mk4m has 74% winrate across 1700-1900 Ground realistic battles
Lic and B have around 60%-65%
I still think it should see a rework tho
Thats cuz the player base is very good after grinding with peper tanks m4 is very mobile and has some volume metric so good players can do well with it
Btw where is your stats from?
It is similar to the Leclerc… great winrate, but bad tank.
I believe its due to the Skill, you wont see many bad France, Israel, Italy players because those that do exist, actually play ALOT to master a certain playstyle, therefore increasing the winrate.
And of course the fact that the main 3, 4 nations get so many premium high tier vehicles used by noob players, is inflating the winrates of other nations.
Its outdated from the time that merkava 4b and lic were 11.3 so they were good at that time
M4 was decent as well but after the leo 2a7 and t90m and all spall liners changes they got pretty bad
It saying last month but its not
Look ar the vehicle stats its saying its 11.3/7
Also namer is 10.7 not 10.3
I rly thought its weird cuz israel doesnt do very well so how 66% win rate?
Now i see its outdated so makes sanse
Like there is no way merkava has ×2 kd then leo 2a7
Something seems off
The merkava is supposed to weight more than 80 tons. Gaijin just doesnt want to implement it because then it would be broken because of the armor. Just look at how much the namer weights. Gaijin thinks that the mk4 turret weights less than 1 ton
Let me rephrase: They do not care about it, they just marked V on Israeli stuff and left it to rot.
Because Merkava’s armour is made only to protect it against RPG-7.
It’s mostly playerbase. Broken tanks draw in bad players, hoping the tank can compensate for said skill issue or to just have an easy tank to play. This in turn lowers its stats.
On the other hand there is a group of people playing the Merkava Mk.4s that are good players and do really well in them, you never really hear from those players. (It’s ironic though that a lot of the Israeli mains on the forums are rather mid, which kind of contradicts the good playerbase part).
True but i didnt notice israel has a lot of players that impact the game
It realy depends on what u pair up with
Or maybe im wrong and israel players do give a lot of impcat idk
Im sorry, but never once in my time in the IDF armored corps we were told such a thing.
Merkava was designed to handle Kornet, And soviet era 3bm42.