Why cant i gift my freind GE?

I wanna gift me freind GE, but gaijin store wont let me because he uses a “different currency” Is there any fixes to this? or Can i just not gift him GE?

No, as of now there is no way to gift your friend GE if they use a different currency. The only way I could think to get around this is change your currency with a VPN or something like that

Yeah but i read the shop guidlines and it said that VPNs where breaking their policy

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mb bro like one of my only three posts

Yeah. I realized after I said it that it was against, but forgot to come back and edit it. I’d try just sending your friend money through like PayPal or something.

QUICK, change the section to community support before Stona closes it!

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How do i even do that bruh

Edit the title