Why can the Type 99A and VT4A1 tanks in the Chinese technology tree be in 12.0?

1.577 shell penetration, the lowest in the game.
2.7.1 seconds shell reload time, the slowest in the game.
3. Very poor tank armor.
Other tanks also have high-definition night vision and mobility performance!
So the question is, why in 12.0?
Yes, we Chinese players admit that China’s tanks are the worst in the world, and we Chinese players also admit that China’s military technology is the worst in the world, so please move them to a position that suits them!
Please don’t say that this is realistic data on the one hand, and on the other hand say that it is for game balance.
So, what qualifications do Chinese tanks with these worst attributes have to be with the world’s strongest T80BVM tanks and T90M tanks?
Please give the world’s worst Chinese tanks and the world’s worst Chinese military industry a suitable position!


why the Ariete AMV is 12.0 The idea is that the game cannot leave a tree without 12.0 only, this is the reason

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welp, Italy has Leopard 2A7 in game rn.

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The ztz99’s are the fastest mbt’s in the game, and while the armor looks bad in the protection analysis, in actual games it’s rather good. The rounds don’t have a ton of pen, but they’re incredibly fast and pretty heavy so they’re easy to aim and do plenty of damage. They aren’t perfect but they’re definitely 12.0 materials.


I know but this is not the point China has the VT-4 tank the idea is from what direction and for what reason a tank like the Ariete has the BR12 and in specifications it does not even come close to the M1A1

Id recommend playing 12.0 tanks in other nations before making this statement.

When talking about Chinese tanks, there will always be people who shout “enough, there are always worse!” But Italy has L2A7 and the United States and Israel have better CAS. These countries all have much better CAS than China, what does China have?

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the post itself isnt about cas but the placement of the tank at 12.0 the fact is its not the worse tank at 12.0 br regardless of CAS

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Doesnt the ch2 have lower shell pen?

“Not the worst tank” is not a reason for these Chinese tanks not to adjust. Together, you can get Gaijin to tweak the bad stuff instead of stopping someone every time you see him trying to change it.


In addition, if you have played with the Chinese tank, you know that its weakness is so great that no one will miss. In the J10A version, the armor of the 99A was even weakened by 200KE. CH2/Ariete/VT4/99A are not good tanks, and there is no point in comparing them between them, just picking a piece of shit that smells better.

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Thats not really the point tho Most 12.0 tanks are fine its just the 2a7s that are kinda a problem so i doubt the devs are gonna drop the BR of almost every 12.0 instead of just increasing the max br and putting the 2a7 up.

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now imagine playing most other 12.0 tanks where that weak spot is the entire front of your tank, armor wise these tanks are still better than most 12.0 tanks

No. The whole 12.0 is an unfair race, and it is not “good” at all.

well yeah we all know its not good but the Chinese dont have it worse than the others that also dont have a 2a7 tier tank. so theres no way they would drop the br of just those tanks

So, what I mean by this is: we can adjust and solve the whole problem together, instead of trying to stop it or just squabbling in vain. Gaijin likes to see players arguing so they ignore the obvious.

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putting tanks at a lower br dose not fix the problem that just pushes the problem onto tanks of a lower br. if you want to fix the problem ask for an increase in max br instead of tanks going down.

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Something has to be the worst at any given BR - if you lowered things just because they are the worst at any given BR then everything would end up at 1.0…

The question isn’t whether it is worst or not - it is whether it is performing or not - and only Gaijin knows that according to their sekrit documents.

Whether you trust them or not on that, your metric is irrelevant.

I think solving their problems might be more satisfying for the players. For example, the armor of the Ariete or VT4, the shells of the CH2 or the hydraulic pump of the M1, etc.

Besides, the LAST thing these tanks need is to have their BRs lowered.

They still need many fixes, such as spall liners, which would drastically increase their effectiveness.

Lowering their BR would be perceived by Gaijin as a “balance solution” and would only lead to them negating these even further.