Why arnt russians given the sherman treatment?

it suddenly hit me.

years ago, gaijin changed shermans. they used to start with the aphe shell. but now they start with the terrible and underperforming solid shot.

so then why arnt t-34’s and kv-1’s given the same treatment? why are they allowed to start with the aphe shell?

russian bias, hmm?

before dumbustard derailed the thread a bit.
so, some people commented on that the solid shot shell was performing better than the APHE shell.
I dismiss this. yes, for the early tanks, the 350SP has 12 more pen than the md-5 fuse. however, despite the more pen, if that pen cant be fully utilized, its useless. the md-5 fuse explodes inside the tank, massively increasing its 1 shot potential, compared to the solid shot shell, which can go through tanks without even hurting anything inside. they dont explode, so they are completely reliant on scrapnel damage. if scrapnel hits nothing, it damages nothing. the explosion of an APHE shell will damage everything around it.

on future models, starting the t-34 1941 model, the penetration for both shells increased. the main difference between md-5 fuse and the 350SP shell, being 13mm difference. however, you can unlock the md-8 fuse, which difference is only 3mm with 350SP.

again, this difference in penetration is negligible, because 350SP has no filler, and thus bad 1 shot potential. the APHE shell will always be better, even if it has less pen. because it has less pen, gaijin doesnt make it the starter shell, theorized by some people here.

gaijin should make the 350SP shell, the non filler solid shot shell the starter shell. same as where other tanks, like shermans, start with solid shot.

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Panzer 4 starts with aphe shells…


Here I was thinking you were advocating the Russian tree to get a sherman…


Germany also starts with APHE

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Soviet tanks do start with equally bad rounds as Shermans:

Equally bad pen. APHE status doesn’t really matter much.

Chi-Nu starts with its good round.

Probably because the BR-350SP AP shells for the 76mm T-34 and KV-1s have more penetration than BR-350A APHE, they’re an upgrade in that sense

I thought that as well even though they already have one

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does the panzer 4 have solid shot shells?

do german guns have solid shot shells?

because their guns are much worse


Always need more. ;)

on early russian tanks. the l-11 guns on the t-34-1940 and kv-1 br 3.7, the solid shot shell does indeed have more pen. 14 more pen than the md-5 fuse aphe.

however, and this was after a couple of matches of trying out the shell. the shell isnt that bad. honestly. tho, i mostly performed well because half of the enemy team consists of newish players. the shell itself hasnt got alot of 1 shot potential. sometimes i hit an ammorack and it cooks off. at other tanks, particularly shermans which have their crew fairly wide apart, it sometimes took up to 3 shells to take it out.

you miss that 1 shot potential you have with the aphe shell.

hench the question on why russians arnt receiving the sherman treatment.

if shermans are doomed to start with the solid shot. why arnt the russian tanks?

Tanks start with their weaker shells so they have something to grind for, its the reason why America starts with solid shot. For Russia, their solid shot actually performs better in terms of penetration which is why they start with APHE (even though in combat APHE is actually better).

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I guess AP-shells counts as solid shots, could be worng, what has that to do with anything? My point was: how can you say mUh ruSiaN bIaS when across tech-trees, similar vehicles share similar performance?Why is it not german bias, swedish bias, italian bias? You see the delusion? there is no bias…


my question was regarding about why russian tanks dont start with solid shot.

then you make the insufferable comparisment about german tanks starting with aphe shells. do they have a solid shot shell that can start as a worse starter shell?

Yeah actually. Its called APCR.

Read my reply again, think you missed something

you can indeed make them start with the apcr shell. its not that rare. the M48 for example starts with apcr, because its globally accepted that apcr is one of the worst shells in the game.

have you even touched the ussr tt

i was replying to your original unedited post.

read my question.

why arnt russian t-34’s and kv-1’s given the sherman treatment, by letting them start with solid shot?

other than apcr as axzuel mentioned, germany doesnt have a solid shot. not a proper one, atleast. they dont have a non filler ap shell. your comment about “GeRmAnY sTaRtS wItH ApHe” was therefor unneccesary.

Coping thread, hmm?