yeah it definitely can
That’s really interesting if true, from what I read, that was a german project. Tank Encyclopedia is usually dead right on this kinda stuff anyway, so I have no reason to doubt it.
But hey, both countries would get something new and mostly original so this doesn’t really change my stance on it.
About the penetration, IIRC it was 305mm for the Mecar vs 320mm for the D921. I don’t remember where I read this though, so perhaps the 320mm claim will have to be taken at face value.
After doing some rudimetary digging after reading the Tank Encyclopedia article, I can confirm there’s next to no information online about the MECAR gun. I found a single reference to it firing “M600” HEAT rounds, but no given specs of any kind, and I can find nothing else that references an “M600” round.
Tank Encyclopedia references it again in this article on the Belgian CATI “tank destroyer”, with a quoted max pen of 350mm, which is more than the D291 currently can in game, which again seems unlikely.
I’m sure this information is availble in an archive somewhere in Belgium, the MECAR is very old tech now and wasn’t very popular internationally. Just not something I have access to.
What a weird little thing.
I don’t believe that 350mm number at all, otherwise I think the Mecar would have been more commonly used. Unfortunate that info is basically impossible to find.

*here it is referenced as “HEAT-CAN-90” but i have seen it designated as M600, just there it didn’t have penetration values
This is very useful, thanks. It even gives a potential justification for the higher pen, a more powerful explosive (Penthrite has a 1.66 TNT equivalent compared to Comp B’s 1.33 in the OCC 60-62). I would still tend to doubt it being quite as high as 350mm, but without knowing the actual explosive weight there’s really no way of knowing for sure.
Wow, that’s a really informative set of pictures. Great find!
Yeah yeah blahblah whatever, they could buff it anyway, germany mains will always cry and jump in me262 narwhal…
muh duh german mains muh duh
He mains France, it checks out.
Bros gotta be a different level of skill-less to not be able to get any google search results.
Should play all of them, they all required different set of skills to do well across different brs, the person who only play one nation will have bad judgements. When they can’t argue anymore they will say shits like they went over their step mother house to play WT and scored big in the tanks they never even played lol
reminds me of the kids in cs or any other valve game
“my oncle works at valve, he will ban you…” XD
I was trolling a little.
Im sure the marder is not that bad if you play it has intended.
You have to spawn it at the right moment.
i was looking for a post like this, im spading the 1A3 because i left it behind and forgotten back in time, and damn i cant pen anything without the APDS belt, literally cant even frontally pen M163 or Bradleys side, especially when you find people using BTR-80 at 8.0 being an 7.3 vehicle and doing better due having more pen because it has a 30mm. meanwhile Marder only can offer 4 ATGMS, yeah it has thermals and laser rangefinder but tbh becomes useless when you barely do damage with your 20mm, the same cannon and rounds used on Wiesel 1A4, cant even pen mbts side or cant even try to disable their engine because it wont pen.
The gameplay style for this vehicle is a drastic change from what we use to, feels odd with the actual gameplay, you need to play very defensively and rely on your atgm, oh yeah, i also noticed the moment a round touches your ammo belt you will explode instant, happened to me trying to kill a ZSU-37-2 which i though i would kill it with just a burst of rounds but i was wrong, I underestimated it. So that “unmanned turret advantage” idk if keeps on.
I play it more as a support role
biggest pile of crap there is, thanks to gajin hiting the aMmo belt causes a ammo explosion. A SINGEL 20mm round BLOWING UP THE WHOLE IFV!!! Never ever was i so dispopinted. The whole thing could run without a crew and all you have to do is hit a singel 20mm and you kill the whole thing. Its a joke.
The Marders need to be improved in several ways. The first thing would be to give the 20mm APCR realistic penetration and damage, since it pierces less than it should, and apart from that it seems that the server does not register part of the penetrations of that ammunition. Another thing would be to improve the Milan missile, improving its guidance a little, since it is not only a slow missile, but it also has a delay in movement. Regarding the Marder A3, the Milan 2 should be added.
Can’t agree more, even though it would probably mean a BR increase to 8.3. When the 1A3 is the last IFV until 9.3 MILAN 1s just don’t cut it.