Why are the F16AADF and F15A in the same tier but the missiles is different numbers and qualities?

As in the title, why can they stay in the same tier? This is unreasonable.
Maybe F16A-ADF can have AIM9M?


Every vehicle in game needs it’s historical equipment.
F-16ADF will have the 9M and the AIM-120
Would be same BR as the F-16AM i guess

Just an opinion but if they ever add AMRAAM’s or AIM-9L/I for the Block 15’s I think its best to keep it as BR 13.3 since they only have 60 countermeasures, sure it wont make a big difference but they should fill up BR gap, at least for Italy but I’m not too sure about the us TT. If they won’t add any new missiles for those vehicles then I think it should be 12.7, flight performance wise there’s still no reason to make it 13.0. Half of the time I get up tiers to 13.7 which is ridiculous.

So make the F-16ADF and the F-16C the same BR? think these things out before suggesting

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BR gaps aren’t a thing in ARB.

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Italian F-16ADF should definitely get AIM-120 and AIM-9L/I-1 (AIM-9M) with br increase if needed, it’s both historically accurate and better gamewise.



More decompression required.

lol So you want it to be 13.7… would you seriously take it over F-16C?
Oh, Italy already made my points for me.

So there will actually be an Italian top in the Italian TT and not only Hungarian Gripen.

Agree. also the JAS39A in 13.0 can use 9m ,but ADF only 9L .
This is another place that I find unreasonable.

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The problem is it would be one of the worst top tiers… perfectly fitting for Italy I guess!

I guess you could put it at 13.3 but that’s hardly anything of a consolation.

Not much difference between being 13.7 and 13.3, but with its actual weapons it at least will be worth grinding, ADF will be worse than most, but still competitive and usable.

No. 13.3 . Should have TWS also

No but every plane should have it’s corresponding armament and at the end of the day it is still an F-16 would not be better than the C but it can still be competitive