Why are the China TOR / HQ-17s not 11.7?

There is no way the tor M1 is going down to 11.0 this is a massive mistake.

  1. Terrible tracking, including IRST, idk if it got fixed or if its supposed to be like that

  2. Massive 2km or so deadzone

  3. Missile speed is comparable to those near its BR

  4. Massive smoketrail, which doesnt help you considering you also dont really have thermals for your sights

This is for the TOR, the HQ-17 should fix a good amout of the problems

It looks on good on paper, but it isn’t. But hey, I guess you have cold launch which is cool ig


why would you need thermals when you can just spam click in third person like everyone else does? The adats is the Only SPAA that can’t do this.


Cause all you need to defeat its missile is do a barrel roll. Its like Roland but worse due to smoke trail and being huge.


thats funny beecause all you need to do to defeat other SPAAs is just stay over 12km away .

Its fine, Tor just gets outranged by any GBU/Mav/PGM,etc. Sure you can see some of them and try to kill them,but you have only 8 missiles.


everything is being out ranged by cas. the tor shouldn’t even have a issue dealing with them since it can just lock onto the ammo and fire a missile at it. every spaa can drop ammo now.

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Have you used the tor? Huge smoky missiles, missiles go into sarh mode when the enemy chaffs, and they go after the chaff not the plane, massive dead zone where you can’t shoot, because the missiles go straight up they basically leave a nice line in a big ark telling planes where you are. The thing is useless against planes, useless against tanks, and no better against helis than a adats, which can shoot at tanks.


adats also only has 8 missiles, drop it to 11.0!


including IRST? the TOR M1 does NOT have IRST. it has TV tracking which in wt is HORRIBLE.

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Adats has 8 smokeless missiles and can shoot tanks, also doesn’t give planes a launch warning.

Yea I meant that, mb, but yea that’s what I also mean with “Terrible tracking”

no tank is dying to the adats from 11.7 the missiles can’t even be aimed right

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Yeahhh… Its a really sad AA unfortunately. Works well when people fly high tho(when they dont know how to dodge)

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Better than nothing

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can my otomatic be 10.7 then please i dont think its quite the top tier capable AA as its essentially an overgrown 2S38 with a search radar and slightly better apfsds with a limit of 12


“Just lock onto the ammo” I don’t think you know how stupid the Tor’s radar is. It starts having a stroke whenever there are multiple targets in close proximity. Although I agree that it can take out AGMs well, it only has 8 missiles, and it takes ages to reload. Smart CAS players will just dive as soon as they see a Tor ping and then gun-strafe it without any issues.

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i still dont know why the otomatic is at the BR it is at.

because uhh… suffer. 👌👌😎

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Ok? The highest br Roland aa is 10.3, that’s still .7 lower than the tor is gonna be.