Why are swedish Leopards still better than German ones?

First of all, it was me who had to make you remember that Sweden has four Leopard 2s. Two, you have memory of a goldfish. Funniest part is how they are only equal in numbers, but are nowhere near close in terms of capability. Only the Leopard 2A7V is close the 122s, while still being worse - wanna know how I know that? I actually have both models, and can compare them based on how they perform when I play them, not like you, who is a single-nation main (there’s a reason why I’ve been calling you this, granted, it flew over your head).

cry abt it)

Like you are crying about people being aware 122s are better than the 2A7s and won’t change their mind despite your whining? :)

please, call me out and show some proof with it then

This feels like I am talking to a person who doesn’t even remember their own words, oh no wait, you don’t.

yeah that totally proves your facts weren’t fabricated lies, stop yapping man 🤣

You’ve come in here to rant about how we can ignore what makes 122s into 122s, just to go into a main-brain induced babyrage once told that you cannot do that, as it’s hypocritical.

You’re going in circles whilst not even properly comprehending what this thread is about, a self-writing comedy in fact.

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Then let’s compare capabilities, instead of numbers. How does the number of Leopards that Sweden has somehow translate into being relevant when discussing their individual capabilities, which is what we’re discussing, aren’t we?

find your own arguments man, or are you agreeing with me? Weird how you’re talking about me not remembering my own words, yet you forget that’s the same argument I used? Stop trying to strawman it and turn it around, you really are desperate.

Is this your response to me asking about proof that 12.0 MBTs can penetrate the UFP of a 2A7V? (remember how to use the tool correctly btw, and why use insults rather than facts? is it because you ain’t got nun?)

you are a clown and literaly not worth discussing with you yourself stated already that the strv122 are better then leopard 5/6 pso. bye

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U cry to inaccurate armor on the 2a7? Try merkavas lil bro

Sure, quote yourself saying that, then. Surely you can do that without editing your comment ;)

I can help you remember what you said though; “Strv 122 without its additional armor (stupid argument, btw) is pretty much a 2A5 or a 2A6” and “If we do not discuss the armor benefits, they are the same tank”, that was what you said, in the same tune, you also stated that Germany has more MBTs than Sweden (just to be proven wrong by me shortly after), and even then, you still did not mention that those additional MBTs of Germany’s are vastly inferior because they don’t have the armor (it was @dotSHINI who did that), instead you tried to peddle that we can just ignore 122s armor and then its just a 2A5 thus “mid” (lol).

Is this your response to me asking about proof that 12.0 MBTs can penetrate the UFP of a 2A7V?

You never said to find a “12.0 MBT”, you just said to “find an MBT that can do that”:


I’ve been using facts, and trying to explain to you why you’re wrong, but it’s impossible - simply because you don’t want us to prove you wrong, you just want us to agree with your forced narrative of 122s being somehow worse than the 2A7Vs depsite their better armor, better mobility (higher top speed and faster acceleration due to better hp/t), less weakpoints (122s upper plate will ricochet even at 80 degrees, 2A7Vs cannot, in addition to 2A7Vs gunner optic channel being penetrable, and its mantlet having more weakspots), and a better shell for ‘killing’ (due to better spall characteristics), this thread had to wait for me to mention that 2A7V has better sights, since you clearly couldn’t remember that, and for Renzo to state that the perforation difference between DM53 and m/95 doesn’t matter (you agreed with him, fun fact), so all things considered, it’s 3 pluses for the 122s, and 1 plus for the 2A7V. You’ve even been trying to claim that I’m “strawmanning you” (when all I’m doing is mocking you and your logic, lol). Chances are you don’t even know what a strawman is, you just saw me use it here, and decided to use it on repeat, seeing as you re-made (read: strawmanned) my argument in which I had mocked you saying we can leave armor out of the discussion, and acted like I said that Leopard 2A5 is equal to the Strv 122 with its armor, when I didn’t.

Literal child-tier discussion from you, then again, we should have never expected more from a guy who glazes Sweden like there’s no tomorrow. Good bye, I’m no longer going to entertain you anymore.

It was a typo? I even said they had the equal amount in the end of that sentence, so you’re “proving” me wrong on something I never said? All I said was that germany had 4 leopards, and sweden had 3 STRVs, so they are equal. (notice how I said they are equal in number? quite literally just a typo not to count the finnish one, as it isn’t an STRV I forgot).

What about, when in the same sentence, I mentioned that the only way they would not be inferior, was if the 122 didn’t have the armor. I.e. I said they were vastly inferior because they don’t have the armor. Look man, you are just lying at this point. You’ve yourself confirmed I compared them on the basis of the 122 not having any additional armor. And you’ve also said that I claimed they were then equal. Why backtrack?

And here you confirm that I mentioned I called the leopards only comparable if the 122 didn’t have it’s additional armor. I.e I literally called the 2A6 and 2A5 inferior in armor value in that sentence. I’m not sure where you see the peddling, except from yourself. You claim one thing in the first sentence, then claim another thing that contradicts that right after? PLEASE MAN LMFAO, stop dodging the accountability.

I agreed with him because I believe they spall about the same. I’m not saying the DM53 spalls better as you like to claim, but that the performance difference doesn’t matter because it’s about the same. You want to see a quote on that?

first post I made here by the way, you can’t say I changed on that lmfao

Look, you gave me one overpowered vehicle that can penetrate it, the OBJ 292, ain’t no one denying that. But from the start, my argument was “The STRV122 has better armor, but realistically in-game it does not make any difference, as no vehicle can achieve such a high penetration value to penetrate the 2A7 anyway,”.

My point still somewhat stands, as I was referring to other main battle tanks that you’ll ACTUALLY FACE not stupidly overpowered tanks. If I shoot a 122 with a Sturmtiger at its armor, it’s going to die. Does that mean the armor is worthless? nooooo! But I guess your right, my entire argument falls as tanks like the Sturmtiger and OBJ.292 can kill these tanks!!! (not straw-manning, simply pointing out how all those “facts” you used are irrelevant)

You also pointed out that the STRV can protect against APFSDS with 700mm pen better than the 2A7, but guess what, that doesn’t exist in the game! Be realistic man, don’t paint up some dream. And your fabricated picture where you intentionally angeled the camera wrong so the armor on the 2A7 would be less effective? You have yet to post an updated picture that’s not fabricated when I called you out for it.

Please, feel free to call me a child and Sweden glazer all you want. I feel like I’ve already picked most of your arguments apart piece by piece, somewhat at least considering how you keep on resorting to insults, instead of actually trying to back your arguments up with facts or any sort of proof. And think we can both agree this argument is finally over, have a good night!

To hit it home, Strv 122 uses an adequate round and the tank has mobility alongside that meta armor. Strv 122 is a meta tank.

Everyone that refuted your posts’ incorrect takes did a good job.

I hope you have a good week, cause this engagement ain’t a good moment for you.