Why are so many people against the new APHE rework TEST?

So if you looked at the voting result atm you notixe that 52% are against the APHE rework test. Soooo my question why is this? I heard it comes from the russian side and if thats correct I probably won’t see anyone disagreeing with it. I also heard that sole ppl use bots but yeah we’ll see in the future.


Exactly! It’s a damn test. It baffles me why people are voting against a test.


Given this community’s track record, I’m hardly surprised. Hopefully the devs are smart enough to realize the wider community can’t be trusted with polls (both actually comprehending them, and also being easily swayed by CCs/etc, often with selective/misinformation).

Game design should be left to the actual game designers, no more polls.


I guess they missunderstood something and don’t want APHE to be balanced/nerfed.


I like the idea of community votes. But not everything should be a vote.


I mean you could reach more ppl if everybidy sees the polls when getting into the game. Many ppl just play the game and are not that active on news and all that.


Nothing is more permanent than a temporary solution.


I mean the new post pen damage of APHE is getting into the game. Doesn’t matter if someone is against it or not.

It’s not really an issue of sample size. Heck, with more technical/design elements like this it’s often not helpful to have a larger group voting, as the larger a group the less educated/informed on the given topic that group will be.

Core game design elements are not somewhere direct democracy is appropriate.


Well… at times it tends to be a “knee jerk” reaction… wee see that all the time… there had been some confusion about it being a Test and not a planned roll out sorta situation… and, many may not change their vote… if it can even be changed in the first place… I have not checked my self…

Poll results however, will not be the only contributing factor towards consideration of tests… Feedback will also be taken into consideration

And even if it stays around 52% - 55% sorta range, it is still a good indication that most will be interested in testing anyway

So, just my opinion… or things to take into consideration but, its how Staff viewed the polls in the past


Gaijin should ignore that poll’s end result andgo with the test

But why you make a poll just to ignore the ppls opinion. As @Pacifica said if its stay between 52%-500% they will see that many ppl are interrested

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XD 500% is crazy

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I mean 55%

lol :P

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I have more faith in those designing the game than I do in the community, in terms of critical thinking and understanding the context of data rather than just raw data. If they handle it as you suggest, it’s less worrying.

I do still feel the devs have been a bit… optimistic about polling this community. There does seem to be an awareness of this, given the better-phrased poll options, but even that sort of assumes those voting will be doing so with both proper understanding and in good faith. As as always, many aren’t.

I highly disagree. I don’t believe that they should have done a poll for this, but ignoring the poll is a really bad idea.

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Most people are too stupid to understand what theyre voting for.


Yeah, fair, there are definitely some topics where it makes sense, especially for non-binding “gauging feels” sorts of questions.

But actual gameplay mechanic changes, not so much. (Most) people will always vote for either what seems to benefit their specific playstyle / corner of the game the most, or will vote for the status quo because it’s comfy and familiar.

There are a lot of changes/improvements we could see added (like many that have been added) which would probably get a “No” vote… but if they were simply dropped into the game would simply cause some confusion/drama/silliness for about a week, and then nothing because everyone would be used to them.