Why are sniping spots being removed from maps?

Nice shifting of goalposts there. I was responding to your baffling claim that

Now you’re arguing that every single headphone is in fact capable of this feat, and pretending that was your original point?

Surround sound isn’t explicitly pay to win, but if someone is using a device that is incapable of this (Such as default laptop speakers, or similar), then they will be at a distinct disadvantage.

There’s also something to be said for headphones with enough audial clarity to hear sounds being muffled by other sounds, like an engine noise through gunfire or artillery. Again, not a high bar, but very basic earbuds won’t have the balance to pull this off.

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Yes, and then you gave me a wiki article about a technology that makes a certain type of >>2 channel audio<< as if that was a counterexample, lol. Which can be played on ANY stereo device including laptop speakers as long as they’re stereo, or $5 earbuds

It appears I have a tendency to be competitive…

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Additionally this technology would require War Thunder to provide in their API to 3rd party apps the exact 3d information of every tank’s position anyway, to even be able to process it in that way. Which I doubt very much that they do since it would obviously be incredibly easy to wallhack if so. They probably only allow 3rd party audio devices to get the SPARSE, normal stereo signals same as a normal headphone device would get in the game, that the game has already interpreted from 3d position → stereo channels, internally.

So your software wouldn’t be able to do anything special anyway due to being starved for information to work with by the game.

If they did use HRFT (which they may even already do for all I know), it would almost certainly be done within the game and given to everyone’s devices, not allowed to be processed 3rd party.

I react in a mix of both. I think about winning more and more, but my personal challenge is to still do it with the vehicles I like. Even if they’re powercrept and not meta. Even against all odds. I am stubborn like that 😁

There’s no need to speculate, we know War Thunder has these options. Firstly, it uses Fmod, which has the ability to spatialize sounds.

Secondly, and more obviously, War Thunder has the option to select 5.1 and 7.1 in the sound settings.

And we also know it’s vulnerable to abuse, as seen during the sound mod fracas a while ago, where a professional team was using software that exploited the spatial sound system to tell them the exact location of enemy tanks during a tournament.

But that’s getting off topic. There are systems that don’t have the ability to use HRTF, as the default Windows program for using it is “Windows Sonic for Headphones”. And, big surprise based on the name, this only works for headphones. Therefore, anyone running this on speakers that aren’t inherently 5.1/7.1 won’t be able to use this.

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Okay well that’s

  1. Pretty dumb of them for the obvious cheating reasons

  2. Still not P2W since again it can work just fine even on $5 earbuds

Therefore, anyone running this on speakers that aren’t inherently 5.1/7.1 won’t be able to use this.

Speakers are not as a whole any more or less expensive than headphones…

They are if they’re the built in speakers of a cheapo laptop. Which, given War Thunder’s young and poor demographics, as well as it being one of fairly few games that can actually run decently well on such a system, is probably a larger demographic than you’d expect.

Note that I’m not arguing that the lack of headphones is a problematically pay to win issue, just that it does happen to some extent.

Going back to an earlier comment, I maintain the bigger difference is in comparing high quality headphones to low budget one’s in terms of audio clarity. Since upgrading to a better headset, I’m able to more easily pick out engine noises through a background of artillery, gunfire and other irrelevant sounds. This does give me some level of advantage in game over my previous, cheaper headset. Something like earbuds with terrible audio balancing wouldn’t be able to pull that off anywhere near as well.

Again, not arguing it’s problematically pay to win (There are much bigger issues than this), just that it does happen to some extent.

War Thunder’s maps are too small for high tier. “sniping spots” is irrelevant, you should be able to outflank “sniping spots”.

i feel like this issue only makes others worse. tanks with armor need range for that armor to work. the tiger would be great if you had 800M of unobstructed sight, but the maps for the most part simply do not accommodate that.

the devs have detroyed the ground game by removing sniping spots from all maps.


It is not a TT issue, it is an every tier issue. It benefits a certain playstyle, one that eventually allowed me to quit. It has been going on for a few years, this style of player, so enjoy the evolution of WT to cater to the majority and how they play.


they just protecting the noobs

I go back to hanger the second I get this map

Cool story bro

I hope to see in their updated roadmap: making the map bigger again

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