Why are planes and Helicopters allowed in ground sim

I don’t understand why helicopters and planes are allowed in ground sim. Planes and Helicopters have there own sims, so why should they be allowed in ground sim? I guess I am a little ticked since its thrilling game play to spawn in and immediately die to a helicopter or plane.


There should be a cooldown before anyone can spawn in aircraft, but from my limited time playing sim it wasn’t that bad, as long as someone is smart enough to spawn AA at the beginning.


I personally don’t see a problem with this, but I believe that if there was a limit on the number of simultaneous aerial vehicles in the sky it would be better.

Well… strictly speaking… They dont

Heli PvE is an extremely buggy mess that rewards bugger all. Its boring and tedious and offers no meaningful gameplay other than “shoot stationary tanks, wait for AGMs to reload”. (Let alone the fact that many helis are boarderline unplayable in Heli PvE due to their limited ranged AGMs, especially stock)

Air modes, dont offer all that much in the way of dynamic A2G gameplay at the moment, again, its mostly “Bomb bases or stationary AI targets” not a whole lot of challenge or dynamic gameplay. Those modes are really only designed for A2A combat for fighters

GRB and GSB offer the best gameplay for certain types of ground attack aircraft and helis.

Also… Its “Ground” not because of tanks, but because the objective is on the ground. Ground combat in War Thunder has ALWAYS been combined arms and should remain that way.

As a final note… Just spawn SPAA, its easy SL/RP and the fastest way to spade any SPAA.


I feel you, i like to play Sim but it kinda sucks when a Heli far away destroys 6 of your tanks before someone can shoot him down, sometimes you cant even do it because they peek from a hill and hide or there are more than 1 heli so the moment you try to locate one with your spaa, if you manage to shoot down one, you will die by another heli.

Especially these fire and forget missile spam