Why are helicopters' research points so high?

Helicopters’ research points are much higher than it should be. For example, while 150k research points are required for Mi24A at Rank 5, 360K research points are required for Mi24V at Rank 6. Let’s consider the vehicles that require the most research points at Rank 5 and Rank 6 in the Ground Forces Tech Trees; 120K for Zsu37-2 at rank 5 and 220K for T72A at rank 6. Look at the gap between. Even if you research with land vehicles, 360k is too much for a vehicle in rank 6. I think the solution is simple. Put the rank 5 starter helicopter into research and apply the same system as the Ground and Air to the helicopter tree. Example: Mi4AV 82K rp , Mi24A9 95k rp or 105k rp, Mi24V 135k-190K rp etc.

What are your thoughts?


Gaijin reduced rp costs, but forgot about the helicopters

  1. Because there are so few of them
  2. To make Premium Helicopters look more valuable

Frankly, first argument doesn’t make sense to me because of its scarcity. Because Grinding a helicopter is not as easy as grinding a plane or a tank, it is much more difficult. Yes, you can research it with land vehicles, but in my opinion, this still does not explain the 360k RP. Especially, it is even more difficult to search for the parts of the helicopter you opened. 2. I can’t interfere with what you said, but there is another way to make premiums attractive.


I find grinding Helis incredibly easy compared to Tanks/Planes.

Hard: No
Time consuming: Very

Worth it?

Other than the Lynx/Ka-52, not really

Also just for the sake of comparison:

  • USSR Rank VI Heli Grind: 5 Vehicles : 1,860,000 RP
  • USSR Rank VI Tank Grind: 18 Vehicles: 2,611,000 RP

I don’t necessarily agree with it but that is more or less why the RP costs are so high for Helos.

When you divide the total RP by the number of vehicles, the difference is 372k for the helicopter and 145k for the tank(I wrote it relying on the numbers you gave). This is actually what I want to say. It may be simple to grind the heli - I don’t understand if you mean PvE here - but the problem is that it takes a lot of time. Frankly, this pushes my limits. After all, the heli is a vehicle that I can use as support while playing tank(My Opinion). Spending 360k on a rank 6 entry level heli and then searching for 20-25k parts to unlock ATGM seems a bit unfair when compared to a tank.

To make you purchase the helicopter premiums which are the only way to make the grind somewhat bearable

Its pretty horrible. The rp costs are insane. Stockgrinding helis is incredibly bad as some helis are essentially useless until you get the later modifications which take ages to unlock. Additionally the Heli EC mode is total garbage and grinding in ground is inefficient.


The premiums have very little value to me, since even after I unlock every heli in a tree, i have a bunch of nearly useless helis that will take ages to spade out. Incredibly frustrating.

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Dont even mention the hkp 4 with the slow ass missiles, (sure you have lotsa time to guide it in, but the target will be dead before you missile gets near him, then you just switch target since you have time to do that. And that is funny)
Or the dumb rocket only helis without balistic computer.

meanwhile their module research requires 15000 for the ah-1f