Why are Heavy Tanks not allowed to actually function as HEAVY TANKS?

1.0 spread is fine, just not where there is too much compression (for example 8.3 got very busy after the last “decompression” changes). If you feel the maximum of 4 players with +1 BR tanks on both sides is too much to handle then I saw many examples in matches over the years that showed me not to worry about it.

I would see more sense in raising the top BR.



Yeah that’s great and all, when you actually have vehicles to FILL THOSE SLOTS.

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You don’t have 9 vehicles???🤔🧐

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99% of the time in the British tree? No.

You can’t make full lineups.

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Object 279 (1959), sees PUMA (2010s)

Object to PUMA:


I mean most countries can’t, even the US probably only has a few full lineups that can be made without uptiering a lot of stuff.

One of the few full lineups I can think of the 5 top tier Abrams, m1a1AIM, m1a1hc, M1A2, SEP, SEP v2. Throw in the AH-64D and F-16C for CAS, that’s 7 vehicles. Hstvl if you want, so 8. From there you can choose the adats or an F-15C for dealing with CAS, or both I’m not sure exactly how many slots one can have.

2 vehicles are a BR bracket below true top tier, 5 of them play the same and are decent at best, the only AA sucks at its job, the helicopter is worse than its magic missile russian counterparts when its one of the best in the world, the only redeeming factor is the aircraft

The reason why heavy tanks sit in this deplorable spot is primarily due to the goldfish-brained community opinion of frontally impenetrable = overpowered.

Hence you see at every opportunity, even when there really ought to be no good reason to allow it, literally every possible machine a heavy could face can frontally cripple it.

Light? Usually just cuts on through like a hot knife through butter with APDS, HEATFS, or sometimes APFSDS.

Medium? Can be sometimes a good slugfest, until one packing HEATFS comes strolling in. Also barrel damage says hi.

Heavy? Nice funny slugfest, but again barrel damage will ruin your day even against something a whole BR below you.

TD? Can be either like a Light or like a Heavy depending on the machine. Again, barrel damage.

Armored Car or SPAAG? Track-and-Barrel Torture.

Heavies would be far more bearable if at the minimum the ridiculousness of barrel damage was greatly reduced, if not eliminated entirely. Then sure, all the lights and funny derp SPGs would still be able to kill a rampaging heavy in a downtier, but then at least some of the time said heavy can use its armor for more than an emergency save occasionally, and instead use it aggressively to physically shove someone out of their hiding spot, cannon barrel INTACT and ready to shoot. Barrel damage means even the most meaningless SPAAG can totally cripple you in seconds.


Which is why, not directly countering argumentation about various states of Heavies in WT, splitting cold war or increasing BR range too much (as in what current highest BR in game is) would result in a worse time; not enough vehicles across nations.

But the minimum of 1 Heavy, 1 medium, 1 light, maybe a TD, an SPAA, a CAP, and CAS, can very often be filled. Mediums and Lights are generally better in up tiers than a heavy, many trees have no heavies at all anyway, and aircraft often ignore the BR; lineups help handle the various situations.

Using one 3.0 light tank, until the Warrior, still worked before SA was added, maintaining positive kd despite the poor use and obvious weakness.

And of course at one BR for GB I had two lineups due to amount of available vehicles, one native, one SA (but of course I never used them as always played sub-7.0).

I can’t think of a single limited lineup up to about 7.0 in any nation. Of course there are better and worse lineups, but they exist. Then throw in backups. So maybe Israel due to its odd starting point.

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I blame the “penetration indicator” on AB for heavy tanks feeling a bit meh. Heavy tanks have heavier armor, and depending on the enemy encountered, the weapon and ammo they’re using, etc. you can be very hard to penetrate frontally but the indicator makes it easy to find a spot where you can pen.

I thought in RB heavy tanks are better compared to AB because of the lack of the pen indicator, meaning enemies will have to mentally remember some of the weakspots, or try their luck and guess-shot at a potential weak spot. (I.E. a driver’s hatch, maybe a flat part of the turret that has a good surface, etc.)

On AB, they can just “pixel hunt” with the indicator until it turns green, and then fire once they found a weak spot.

Oddly i think this is why others say Heavy vehicles do better in AB than RB.

Pen marker is inaccurate.
Pen marker is a pen marker, not a damage marker.
People spend time looking for the green where actually shots to yellow and red can still actually pen.
In RB you learn spots on tanks, not a reliance on a mark (it now puts me off big time and find distracting after moving to RB a long time ago). And some spots are super kill spots (say Jumbo sprocket shot or Churchill top track to bounce into the crew compartment from the front), which you might not know about in AB due to markers.
And of course in RB you can ambush/hide/be right next to an enemy that doesn’t see you.
Light tanks in AB can’t be as sneaky and heavies can bully whole teams (or did, as I stopped ABGF over 6 years ago now).


If you want the already ridiculously-tough barrels ingame to be even worse, please just go back to WoT. There’s at least some degree of authenticity in WT, and it’d be nice to keep it.


Those are shots from the side of the barrel, not from the front. If you get a clean shot at the side of the turret, why would you shoot the barrel?

To stop them shooting back?

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The first and third pictures are shots through the side of the barrel, which are fine. The second is a barrel misfire from the tank itself, not related to damage from outside.

The thing I am talking about is when you are aiming your barrel at someone and they shoot the barrel tip. THAT should be deleted from the game entirely.

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Again, if you have a shot at the side of the turret which will likely cause either breech or gunner damage (or BOTH), why shoot the barrel?

Because they can’t shoot back?

Jumbo turret is not where to shoot if you have many of the guns that might see it, for example.

Depending on what side you are on versus which side their gunner is on plus if you use something like AP where the habit of not feeling confident your post pen will be enough might kick in to go for the shot that won’t allow an enemy to just turn and pop you back.

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Shoot the breech. Solid shot works fine when it actually hits something. Else on a jumbo you can shoot the top of the engine deck.


Right, because a cannon-caliber shell should definitely do no damage to a tank barrel at all if it hits the tip. Tank cannons certainly aren’t reliant on the barrel remaining intact and non-flawed.

I suggest, once more, returning to WoT. War Thunder is clearly not your strong suite if you think like that.


Back in my day we didn’t have any fancy armor viewer like zoomers have today. Heavy tanks were no joke and we had to either learn how to deal with them the hard way on the battlefield OR look for CCs that would show and explain all the weakspots. 4.7 jumbo says hello.

Now the average player will whine if they can’t front pen a heavy tank that’s 1.0 br above him.
Heavy tanks SHOULD be feared. Probably all of them could be lowered by 1.0 at least BUT Gaijin could implement some kind of restrictions, like bombers in Air battle.

Only 2-4 heavy tanks max per team at the same time. Meaning if there’s 4 heavies on your team currently active and one dies, another player could spawn with his own. The heavy who just got killed would have to wait a certain time before re-spawning to give the chance to another player.

There could also be some kind of notification for all players that a heavy slot is now opened to avoid half the team sitting in the vehicle selection screen and waiting for a heavy spawn - again, to avoid half the team suiciding pressing J at the same time, it would be an option/key on your hud. (kinda like drones)

This way heavy tanks could be a menace again without being spammed and overwhelming the enemy team.