Why are Heavy Tanks not allowed to actually function as HEAVY TANKS?

But the cannon will be 100% the enemy not returning fire, especially if all you can see is a barrel poking.

Of course I am just throwing examples of maybes.

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No, and one of the worst ideas yet. Vehicle limitations are horrible, especially when people may only take heavies- and people want to actually be able to play their tanks.

Heavies are overall fine atm imo, and in AB are too strong. They should not be frontally immune, that is simply unbalanced.


Its not Unbalanced, it encourages people to do other things than Just blindly rush forward because they know they can Lol pen anything they find.


Yes, the IS-3 or T-10A should be 6.3 or 6.7, and the Tiger 2 should be 5.7. That’ll be super balanced for every vehicle other than those heavies in particular. Bring down all the heavies by 1.0 br… What a crazy idea.


It is unbalanced- AB quite literally has this issue at the moment. With frontal invulnurability a sniping heavy could simply sit back and win. Armor gives them rn protection that lights and mediums dont have, in exchange for other things, but they also get good guns to go with it.

They have counters, but that is fine. They are meant to be counterable, and people playing them need to learn the lesson that they arent invincible and they cannot rely on their armor to bounce everything.

The Counters should be TANK DESTROYERS.

Not every god damn Medium and Light in the game.


Citation needed, for one- also high penning lights and mediums very much trade post-pen damage for pure penetration capability, and many of the HEAT slinger lights are pseudo-TDs in their own right.

And again- they still have strengths against the non-high pen ones, namely the fact that their armor is generally enough to absorb their first, hastily-aimed shot.

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Oh idk… The Sherman’s being able to easily pen every KV1 Variant? Or the Churchills? Minus the MKVII

The PZ-IVH fighting 2.7s like the Matilda which is legit at its own BR fighting Stuarts and shit with enough pen to frontally knock it out easily(Trust me ive done it MULTIPLE TIMES)

Or how About the Crusader MKIII? My Favorite light in the game, that thing can frontally knock out basically every Heavy Tank until you get into the IS and King Tiger level stuff.

OR maybe the M41 Walker Bulldog? That thing legit can pen ANY heavy in its BR range.

Hell lets get even more Crazy, how about the PANTHERS? with 190mm of pen, able to knock out any allied heavy expect for the T Series and the T95.

Even in my own Main Tree, the Centurion’s, The MK1 gets 270mm of pen at 6.0, Capable of knocking out any heavy from 5.0, to 7.0

“Easily” A KV-1 can angle and play smart in order to avoid being killed by a Sherman. Are you asking for the Shermans to go up, or for KV-1s to go down?

To be fair, that is an undertiered tank.

That’s what happens when the USA puts an MG port, that is easy to penetrate on the tank. Same with Russian tanks having a weak and easy to shoot LFP.

Do you want already very good heavies to go down, or the tanks that can easily pen them to go up? Neither of which will end up balanced.


This game ain’t rock, paper, scissors.


I want the tank’s that easily CAN pen them that shouldn’t be able too, to go up in BR.

Tank Destroyers im fine with being able to knock out Heavies, no matter how tough.

But its a annoying as hell to be playing my Black Prince or something, and getting Lol penned by some German Medium that doesn’t even need to properly aim 99% of the time even if im angled.

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Anything with more than 150mm of pen should be at 6.7 since that’s all that is needed to kill most American heavy tanks. Same with anything above 85mm of pen, since that is all that’s needed to kill early KV-1s.

Your idea will make heavy tanks unbelievably OP, and not enjoyable to play against. They should not be “press W and win” vehicles. Currently, heavy tanks are well protected, and they are very good if you don’t play like an idiot.


Such as?

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I mean, the M18 is a TD irl but gaijin class it as LT

Ok?? Then don’t bring only heavies???

They should not be frontally immune, that is simply unbalanced.

Crazy take. Another player that got spoon fed on cheat-fs.
Whaaaa Gaijin Whaaaa why can’t I front pen this jagdtiger mantlet from 2km in my bulldog?!!

Sounds like those players in Air RB crying about fox-3 missiles. You want the game to accomodate the lowest common denominator. You do not want to learn about tank weakspots, positioning, any form of tactical play or worse…teamwork betwen randoms. It’s because of players like you that Gaijin is destroying all maps by removing covers and sniping positions. Can’t possibly reward skillfull players that have map knowledge. Maps must be as flat as possible so everyone can shoot everyone. You probably want to remove any form of CAS too because you couldn’t bother getting good in a fighter. Booooooring.

If heavies were really in such a good spot like you claim, they would be prized. Instead it’s the go-karts spamming heatfs/apfsds that go 100+kph. No armor best armor.

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Funny that you portray him as someone who is crying, when it sure seems like you’re the one who’s crying.

In AB, they are in a good spot (like he mentioned), and in RB they are very capable vehicles. Just because you are in a heavy tank, does not mean you are invulnerable frontally. Currently, the best 6.7 tanks are heavy tanks. KV-1s are very good at their BR, Tiger Is and IIs are both great tanks, the American heavies are also quite good, minus the jumbos.


This makes you look like a child btw, and completely devalues any points you have to make. The same childish logic of you saying he’s “crying he can’t pen with “””“cheat-fs”“”“at 2km” is the same thing as me saying you’re crying you’re not invulnerable to everything you meet.


Yeah. IS-2s both need to go down .3, and the IS-6 back to 7.3. IS-3 and IS-4M are fine IMO

ok tbf they are blatantly op there in many ways, and LTs are ass

They would be fine if LTs and lightly armored stuff was in a good place, though.

pens jagdtiger
kills one crew
128mm APHE to the face.mp3

Like good lord I may play sweden but I will always take a good APHE over HEAT-FS 90% of the time. Pen isnt everything, you know.

Imma be real
They have very legitimate complaints lol

Arent they…?


Until ALL nations have heavy tanks, and more than just slow Infantry Tanks, the Heavy Tank debate is weakened, in my opinion. So many do not have one (or is a Premium/MP item only).

None for:

Italy (Prem)
Japan (MP)
Sweden (Prem)
Israel (late tech tree)

China gets just 2
France get a smattering (ARL, Jumbo, a few AMX types though are pretty solid, with solid shot)
UK gets Churchills (they work but aren’t on same page as RU/DE/USA) until 7.7

So the only real benefits to Heavies just “helps” the big three and UK.

For all the vehicles they might face that can pen them (but maybe do not do much but “death by thousand cuts” if the enemy gets the chance) there are MANY vehicles that CAN’T do anything about it. It is just sod’s law you might come across the vehicle that can do something about it, but they are probably weak to anything that spots/shoots them first.

All the while players use vehicles in a low tactical/more pew pew way the balancing across the game will always be iffy. How are the super narrow maps going? I presume the hold W yolo face smackers enjoy it as they no longer need to “worry” about being side tapped from uncovered flanks.

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