Why are Heavy Tanks not allowed to actually function as HEAVY TANKS?

tbh I’d say the jumbo but honestly it’s overtiered

and to imagine that it was 4.7 a few years ago

The only problem with heavy tanks is that Gaijin treats the different tanks as different MMORPG classes, with different roles and abilities. That only works until early WWII because after that the capabilities of lights, mediums and heavies started blurring into one another. By the “MBT” era, the same tank might be used for any role (not sure about other countries, but the US used the M48 and M60 in scout platoons, combined with jeeps and APCs).

Honestly, all tanks should be treated the same, and just divided by BR. In game we have the same objectives no matter what “class” we play, and IRL the various medium and heavy tanks were used interchangeably, with lights mostly serving as stopgaps, and MBTs replaced all of them.

Where I feel the pain playing heavies is with a team that has nothing but heavies and mediums especially as you get into the HEAT/ATGM BRs. It’s not that heavies are bad, but the game is designed to require lights for victory. The easy (and most realistic) fix is to just let every tank with a radio spot and call for fire.

@inktomi did you really just say this like it isn’t true about tanks? They are classed as light/medium/heavy because that’s how they were classed in real life based on their role and abilities…

Weird since the T-34 performs differently than an IS-2, a Panzer 4 performs differently than a Tiger 2, and a Sherman performs differently from a Chaffee. The Sherman Jumbo performs differently than the Standard Shermans and they share the same chassis. Seems like they are different and their capabilites are pretty different.

No they shouldn’t… All tanks should be treatednseperately because they aren’t the same vehicle with the same capabilties. Mediums and Heavies weren’t used interchangeably unless there wasn’t an option, Lights were reconnaissance vehicles, the M3 Lee Medium tank was a stopgap for the US medium tank development not a light tank, and MBTs replaced the concept of medium tanks and became the primary tank type because heavy tanks are generally useless and light tanks are for recon (See the Centurion, the first tsbk considered an MBT).

Lights aren’t required for victory, pushing objectives is required for victory. The reason lights can be so powerful is because people in heavies like to sit in one place all game instead of using their armor to push so light tanks can flank and attack them from their weak sides. This also allows lights to cap points that may go uncontested the rest of the game because of the large amount of static heavies.

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Lot of Tiger l players would see more success if they actually remembered to angle their armor about 40°. But nah, they don’t angle and then get mad when they die.

People shouldn’t try to clutch so hard on volumetric coding - It needs refinement because it’s hell to deal with against Ivan hardware - And sure, not every tank can be angled like the poor Churchills. But Heavy tanks shouldn’t be at BRs where they can stomp face - They should have to pay attention to the field just like everyone else - At BRs where they can’t stomp face but also aren’t completely ineffective. Other than coding issues we also have compression and overtiering issues.

Also, historical MM won’t work. Period. Just won’t.


It’s easier to just raise them by six BRs until the average tank can destroy them with 20mm… Just how it be with this game. It used to be fun and here we are.


On the daily I see (and shoot at) countless KV-1s that don’t angle at all, but I never hear people complain about KV-1 players not angling despite it being arguably more effective than in the Tiger 1.

this game is very good, the battle rating is very good, and it is very good to play with heavy tanks!!!

I think the Crossout developers have infiltrated WT, and put this bunch of shitty fast tanks that reach the other side of the map in 1 min


God I love that thing.

I think it’s unfortunate that the regular M26 shares it’s BR though. There’s just no reason to play it when the T26E5 exists and is a straight upgrade at the same BR.

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Yeah, it’s kinda BS.

In my opinion, the Pershing and Panther are two sides of the same coin, so it’s weird that one is 6.0 and the other 6.7


It’s mostly because of the volumetric hell that is generally Ivan armor.

I still see IS players using their backsides as their tank fronts, even.


Ohhh boy seeing that irks me so bad, they just look rediculous when they do that.


I’m gonna hazard a guess.

The answer is “statistics”

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Unfortunately as ridiculous as it is it seems to work pretty damn well most of the time. It’s really annoying.

They’re a perfect example of how using every decimal place would help balance (with no downsides too). If they’re not worthy of being 0.3 apart, they could be 0.2 or 0.1 apart.

Lots of similar-but-one-is-better vehicles suffer from this issue, whether that’s being at the same BR rending one obsolete, or the slightly better one being 0.3 higher and always getting wrecked.


I mean, using a Heavy in a full up tier and then proceeding to show your side to the enemy side of the map is something you should have learned on the way up BRs. This is why people should not buy accounts or use bot software, you will learn nothing!

Now, hopefully you let your team know of the location or if you are not the first target for the enemy and that person marked them too.

Perfect time to use all the tools available just like that player did. Game can be better if one adapts to each situation.


kkk his battle statistics are better than yours and you want to do well, the reality is that the only recourse left is not to play in br. 7.0 to 8.0, simple as that, there is no balance


Well there’s your problem

No one cares. Come back after 40k games while spading every vehicle possible up to that point 👍 neither you nor him have better stats than me in them because you never played most these vehicles, of course he is new and you mainly play one nation; each to their own. If you want to go down that route you might want to get above 1.0 kd in a few more vehicles since nothing but SPAA and light tanks used to spawn CAS/CAP appear to dip into lower numbers when I check mine. Even my 3.0 light played 4.7-7.7 solely has a positive k/d. Now you?

Stats mean nothing in a vacuum in a game approached in multiple ways.

If you fail to keep an eye on the enemy as a team this happens, skill issue + random teams.

This is nothing about balance.

How is your WT break btw? Mine has been great.

Edit: never mind, that above comment was before I checked your account which is banned, sorry.

It has to do with a 1945 project with a 15 sec recharge being pushed to play with a modern vehicle that travels at 100km/h with the capacity to detonate a heavy tank with 4 shots at 600m with a br difference of 0.4, understand or Do you need to draw even more?

Yes, I was banned because I got tired of waiting for so many years for corrections to these small problems that we are discussing here and I put my account up for sale thinking it was allowed

Pretty sure the E.B.R. (1951) will happily do that with 1 shot against a 1945 heavy tank.

It gets APHE with its 75mm cannon which will do the trick. Then again its a almost sherman 75 so its not like you need much to deal with most heavytanks