Why are Heavy Tanks not allowed to actually function as HEAVY TANKS?

Anyways, it is 5 in the morning, bright outside, birds are loud. Just completed that rotten 35k point for the Churchill AVRE task. Stupid Gaijin making us work all day and night without pay.

How many hours did that take for you? Should be about 4 hours on average for 35k, no?

There is always balance:



I have no Idea, played 2 hours maybe until I got 9k, then I played again at 2am for 3 hours.

Ironic coming from the dude that has mental break downs that gaijin removed fake tanks


TBH that was total bullshit, Russia has its fair share of Fake tanks, the Object 120’s gun NEVER worked IRL

And that is just one example.


Dumb logic.
Depending on the gun depends on if a light could kill a heavy. Ex: 50mm. However, that said in most cases you are correct. For SPAA your logic of “It shouldn’t pen anything” is just outright dumb.
12.7, 13.2, 15, 20mm, 25mm, 37mm’s. Trying to claim they shouldn’t just imply that other tanks shouldn’t either.

Unless you can provide proof that the Object 120’s gun never functioned. Your claim has little backing.
If the cannon was produced then it is almost always bound to have been tested. Or planned to be tested. Before funding was cut. EX: The guns on the maus never fired however since there just modified naval guns we already can predict the effectiveness of them.

The guns on the Maus were fired multiple times on the JAGDTIGERS.

That is totally different.

The Gun on the 120 is basically a dummy Gun, they never produced any propellent charges OR projectiles for it.


You don’t say. Did it cross your head that you should read the entire thing since i already know you didn’t bother reading the whole thing.

Honestly, the issue isn’t heavy tanks.

It’s APHE being bullshit.

It should explode in a cone pattern, not a sphere.

Many, many times I’ve been killed by the enemy CLIPPING part of my armour without any module or crew being in the way, but their shell exploded and killed my crew.

If every nation played like the British, heavy tanks would be fine.
(Legit, I grinded up to British BR 4.0 and did decently-ish. I got bored so I swapped to germany. I grinded germany up to BR 4.0 as well and… I was routinely top of the leaderboard. Why? APHE.
As brits, I actually had to aim and take out ammo/crew. As germany, I can shoot random bullshit parts of armour and it OHKs.)

Seriously, fix APHE and you fix heavy tanks.

I say this as a light/medium player who enjoys flanking.

Oh, and stop having one line maps. Dunno if there’s better maps in cold war era vehicles, but a lot of maps I ran into are… very stupid.

There’s a single objective with cover around that objective, rest of the map is empty field with the most cover you can get is hills


Oh hell no!

I do not wish that upon my worst enemy.

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As a British main, Get Gud.

There is a reason i absolutely love tanks like the Chieftain, and Black Prince, Churchill, Centurions, they all are amazing.


No thanks, I’m not a masochist.

Thankfully fixing the dumb APHE sphere of death is on the roadmap, I believe for the next update after this one.

Sweet! Much as it makes me able to get high score, it feels so stupid that I can knock tanks out by shooting empty spots without anyone nearby. It kind of makes spacious hulls have the opposite effect than IRL (crew survivability)

Depends on voting results, I have already expressed my thoughts on what should happen lol

Where is this vote?

Doesnt exist yet lol

It said on the roadmap “depends on player voting results”