Why are Heavy Tanks not allowed to actually function as HEAVY TANKS?

The American t34 has an 12.9 14.9 aced reload
Compared to the 12.4 on the kt 105
So shouldn’t the t34 be equal to a kt105 and not the tiger 2h?

Post pen?

Oh forgot American 120mm guns don’t have aphe for reasons I guess

It surprises me every time

I think that’s why the T29 is 7.0.

The T34 reloads in 14.9 seconds aced not 12.9.


When KT will get as strong turret then maybe. But its just giant weakspot and guaranteed oneshot for everyone with 180+ mm of pen.

One thing I learned while playing the Kungstiger is that angling your turret is very effective.

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Yes,u can move the turret from side to side and pray it wont pen. What made KT strong back then was when you took sub 22 rounds you had no ammo in turret. With addition of the ready rack onto KT,now you always have ammo in turret, making any penetrating hit IK. Problem is,ammo in KTs turret is ahistorical. In 1944 after 3 KTs were lost in single day to ammo explosion in turret, from being hit into turret by T-34-85 they were forbidden to carry ammo inside the turret, all was inside the hull.

Just angling 30° should be enough to make your turret face much stronger without exposing the ammo in the back.

Hello, I only have Tiger E and H. After researching Panter A, I started researching it.

But I hope they make it Br 12 and you’ll be satisfied in the end, man.

Nevermind I don’t play with heavy tanks anymore. You don’t have to worry about me. Thanks anyway.

I play with Panther D And A. They are nice, not bad.

At least they are heavier than tanks known as heavy tanks. And I want to say it again maybe you didn’t read my comment. No one expects a miracle from heavy tanks. It’s just that every tank can kill every tank easily. Everyone, on average, kills other tanks and is killed by other tanks. This is what bothers those who play heavy tanks. Each tank should have its own unique roles, forcing teams to strategize.

And yes, there is some nonsense too. When using Tiger E, taking just one damage is enough for it to explode. When a person buys a tank with a heavy name, he expects the bullet to ricochet at least once. But that doesn’t happen in the game. Even though I angle it, his armor doesn’t hold up. And it’s funny that the bullet they praise so much cannot penetrate the enemy.

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They are good at their BR.


Didn’t play the A yet but the D felt good apart from the horrible turret rotation speed.

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People are confusing the different kinds of heavy tanks.

Generally speaking we have the “Rolling Pillboxes” - Churchills, Maus/E-100, B1s, and generally including heavily-armored TDs like the Jagdtiger, Tortoise, Ferdinand, 268, Ho-Ris, etc - and the “Heaviums” - Jumbos, Tiger 1s, T29/30/34, IS-6, IS-7, T-10M, etc

Borderline examples with a foot in each area, IMHO, are the Tiger II P, Tiger II H & Sla.16, IS-3, and IS-4M.


You shouldn’t stop playing them. They’re usually fun tanks you just have to keep in mind that your armour doesn’t make you invincible.

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Maybe if your enemy is dumb and keeps shooting your turret front. Few people seems to realize how vulnerable the turret sides are on KT. They taper towards the front at 20°, so if you turn your turret 20° to the side they present a target 80mm/50° from the front, which can be penned by many guns even if they can’t pen the turret front.

get used to it. it sounds rude but that’s just how it is even in top tier. the lower plate on the challenger 3 mbt is just 70mm and the side of most leopard 2 can get penned by 30mm guns

the short 75mm gun from the Sherman can one shot a leopard 2a6 from the side(don’t know how realistic that is but that’s the in game reality)

Sure, when the T34 gets as strong of a hull as the Tiger II.

it has allready drivers optics that are OP as hell.

The gun shield is a little bit larger which shrinks the amount of turret front that can be hit.

Because people expect heavies to be like in other games where it is a boss tank that sits there and soaks up damage.

Tiger 1 works well and can bounce rounds pretty well, even bouncing russian 122mm. A lot of it depends on knowing your enemy and how to properly deal with them.

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Properly tiered? Huh?

i think the IS-4 more belongs in Rolling Pillbox. that damn thing is just CHONKY