Why are Heavy Tanks not allowed to actually function as HEAVY TANKS?

Well that’s the main thing about heavys do suffer terrible in uptiers which is just how it is

Churchill has armor and maybe the gun as only advantage get an uptier and stuffers extremely

If you don’t like that and/or don’t want to adjust your play Style
There are other Options

Tank destroyers they don’t care about uptiers(with the UK archer and most German open tops actually Performing better even an entire br above)

Heavy Mediums panthers p40 t34/t34e
Most mediums above 6.7 excluding leopard 1 and similar Vehicles


Maybe I do.Who knows?

Your stat card.

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I would be more worried by your stat card 😆

At least I played heavys before talking about them.


You dont seem to have the the knowledge or intellignce to determine whether somebody has actually played the game or not.If you want to go off topic and fixate then lets discuss your poor stats and why anybody should listen to you then we can move on to your terrible personality lol


So you have another account?

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If the T34 goes to 7.0, so will the Tiger II H. Those changes should also mean the M26 goes to 6.3, the 76mm Jumbo should go to 6.0, and the 75mm Jumbo would be 5.3 again.

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KT wont go to 7.0 and it shouldnt,meanwhile KT 105 should go down to 6.7 again cause its downgrade of the regular KT (H)

Not really it has a couple of advantages

The gun has a bit more pen
Way more filler 150g I think it was


Better Engine(not entirely sure)

It’s only downside it’s long reload which is still faster than some other heavys


Rangefinder totally pointless, its not LRF so doesnt really matter, and if you play with the tank,you should already know how much to add up depending on map and how small/big the tank is in reticle. Okay yes more explosive,but at cost of 2.5 times slower reload.

“Rangefinder totally pointless”
MBIC, it’s far faster than the default most tanks get, and GOATed for sniping on larger maps

That you’re saying this gives me the idea you’re not using the excellent 105 to snipe, but instead trying to brawl in a defensively-oriented tank…

No, i just simply dont use rangefinder when fighting, after this what,30k RB games in tanks i have, you just get to know how to aim with what. The only time i use rangefinder is on like 2km shots where i barely see tank at top tier with the LRF, but thats about it.

It’s a 12.5 second aced reload. The aced long 88 reload is 7.5 seconds. That’s way lower than 2.5 times.


You are clearly responding to an alt account.

However there is quantity and quality when it comes to experience, your experience isn’t the best quality.

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I play the kt105 has an kv2,is2<
Push fire retreat reaload and Repeat works pretty well

Your performances in both the Tiger II(H) and T34 are similar. Both are fine being at the same BR.

The T34 and Tiger II H are both equivalent tanks, so if one goes to 7.0, the other will too.

My most recent started tree was the German one(rank III ground) and I don’t have my PC right now to check but it felt like a good experience.