Why are Heavy Tanks not allowed to actually function as HEAVY TANKS?

Say what you will but a fair number of heavies are decent in uptiers. I did one match in the tiger1 today and it was a full uptier. Only thing that sucked was that i didnt get a nuke.

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I have seen some brilliant players win big in the uptier but you must get the point I am making especially when the tank is out of its time.Easy to understand some people’s frustration.It is less pronounced at low tier and top tiers

I believe his point is that you should have zero idea about the topic if your account is only lvl4. Being that low lvl means that you probably grinded up to rank 2 max.

There are two possibilities: First this isn’t you main/only account. Second you are talking about heavy tanks without even having played the and probably haven’t even killed any.


Frustration that their heavy isnt a boss tank, yes.

Some heavies are a bit rough in uptiers. But you just have to change up your playstyle a little bit. Unless you already play in a way that works in both up and down tier. That is how i do it which helps a lot.


In your 16 battles.

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Oh ok that must be true then ,now disprove my points with counter arguments, should be easy as I am so new.I assume then you are butthurt at getting your ass kicked by somebody who has never played?

And do you think I have no idea?

I agree and I think the uptier should be more obvious so people can fully understand that it will be harder and as you say,adapt accordingly.I learned in my 16 games 😆

If this your one and only account, I will take your opinions with a load of salt.

I feel like some people play uptiers like it is a down tier and get upset when it doesnt go well.

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You do that ,makes no odds to me

It was bad because it was a historical event. This will always be unbalanced.

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For sure. i dont expect you to magically change your opinions. But understand that i wont be taking them as opinions with any authority.

If you have a new perspective to offer, feel free to tell it.

I agree with you ,the uptier will always be there and if you want to get the prizes you must play.I also think it is less of a worry when WW2 tanks do not meet cold war.Newbies worry too much …oh I forget I am one.

Because of mobility’s.
In reality, KV1 was difficult to move.
In the game KV1 can start from a third gear.

Tiger h1 max speed on the highway was something like 45 KMH.
In the game Tiger h1 can easily reach 45kmh off-road.

That’s why we got light tanks from a distant future


Welcome to War Thunder
Maybe watch this video to get better at war thunder this game can be hard for new players so I decided to send you this video to help you a bit cause you seemed to struggle.

Sorry for posting this here but I couldn’t message you.


Are you stiil butt hurt tag nut? do try to stay on topic and work on your own stats, they are not so good.

At least I have more experience than 16 battles.

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want realism? then everybody plays those tanks since they are THE MOST PRODUCED TANKS IN HISTORY MAYBE???

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