Why are f14 still 12.3?

Aw shucks, looks like you’ll have to use any of the other 3 defenses to fight them, huh?

try to read my replies challenge

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Try not being bad at game how about that

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Its a dumb point. It’s like me complaining that I have to dodge R-27ERs to get to a base. Get a hold of yourself, bro. You’re complaining literally about the fact that you need to defend against missiles and you cant just ignore them.


“Bleed a lot of speed” how? Even if you’re to defeat a missile kinetically and turn more than twice you should be able to pick up speed again between maneuvering

Who’s alt is this?


look above plz

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No. You’re just a bad player who came to forums to complain about how they didnt notch or chaff the worst ARH missile in the game.

It changes nothing about the fact that you somehow cant dodge 17G missile.

Do you struggle to defeat AIM-9H/G too? If no, then you cant have issues with phoenixes, simple as.

Don’t start with the stats, or you’ll just embarass yourself bub

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lmao ad hominem are we

“Muh stats” and you don’t even know how to defeat a Phoenix


F-14B may be too good for its BR but IMO the F-14A is kinda doodoo.

Wait that’s was cool as fuck, don’t scare me bud lmao


You’re still on forums seething about how you cant turn and press a button? Lost cause, i tell ya. Lost cause.

Bro you’re obsessed with me lmao

You’re kinda childish and its jus funny

I mean you cant kinematically dodge a Phoenix at range and its also not 16G it pulls harder than the R-13M1

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Congrats, you’re really mature.

  1. you 100% can. 2. The R-13M1 is 20g while the Phoenix is 17g.