Its very small, very fast and very nimble, it can farm cap points all day long. It can shred most coastal boats in seconds. Costs 3.8K GE and is Rank IV so it can farm out Rank V Coastals with ease.
Le Orla is a relatively large, fairly slow sub chaser, that will take time to get to cap points. It can do more damage with its auto gun, but its BR is also much higher and is more likely to face destroyers than coastals. It costs 6K GE.
Why is the PG-02 not either Rank III or cost 6K GE?
You make some good points but you are avoiding the fact that basically anything can kill a PG-02. The only hope a PG-02 has is catching someone by surprise. It does cap points fast but so do a lot of lower tier British ships.
EDIT: That being said I would love a British Costal ship with Missiles.
Yes. But the conversation is specifically Rank IV premium ships.
As using a Rank III premium ship comes with major research effeciency reductions when researching Rank V ships.
PG-02 at 2/3 the cost and at 3.3 is going to have a much easier time farming the Rank V ships than something like HMS Whitby or even Le Orla which cost more and have a higher BR which means more destroyers, which will kill them just as fast as the PG-02 might die to something if caught out.
Thats the issue. If i wanted to farm the Japanese coastal tree, the PG-02 would be a no brainer. Id buy it, stick in whatever my bluewater line up was and just farm cap points at the start of the match, passive RP for coastal and I help win most matches.
But most other nations dont really have that luxuary. A tad unfair and to be honest, PG-02 should be moved to Rank III I think.
Yeah… Why I want to grind Coastal, but the economy sucks which is why im interested in this topic about premium coastals. HMS Whitby or Le Orla at 4k GE would probably have been bought by now, especially in a 50% off sale, but at 6K… Plus their limiations, its a really hard sell.
I’m starting to understand your points now. I will say I bought the Fairmile D (5001) today and it’s a lot of fun. It is wooden though. (I will admit I am a sucker for British Ships/Vessels)
Yep, bought it too, but not taken it out yet, but will help no end in grinding through the Rank IVs and I think i’ll happily grind out the Rank Vs using TT Rank IVs, some look quite fun and I think sticking below 3.3 ish wouldnt be a bad idea.
I think that’s a good plan. I will say I love the Le Orla however that doesn’t mean it’s a good deal. The amount of ammo can be a problem if you aren’t careful.
Yeah, i’ve heard that before and felt it in test drive. Almost a deal breaker for me (if I decide to invest in the next sale)
I really hope Britian gets another Rank IV premium coastal sooner rather than later. WIth Whitby getting on for 18 months old and Le Orla 3 years old. I think we are due one and I hope its something interesting/good. (Maybe even Falklands era stuff?)
Yep, as we are more likely to get a Type 21 or Type 22 Frigate before something Type 42 or County-Class Destroyer I think (though County-Class would be perfect fit at 4.7 without any balancing concerns with no ASMs), to add a SAM laucnher to Britain naval, I really want to get to work on rank V coastal at some point. If they do get added soon, I really dont want to power grind half the tree first, that would annoy me.