Why are 7.7 battles basically always up tiered to 8.3+?

I play 7.7 battles, my highest br for tanks. i have an 8.0 helicopter but i don’t have it in my lineup, but I am always uptiered to a br where tanks like the Magach 5 could pen the frontal armor of the Is6 premium. I always end up not doing nearly as well as i would do when going against other 7.7 tanks. I just want stop being uptiered so often.

Because 8.3 and 8.7 players need easy kills.
Now seriously, the subject of the Br is something really badly done in the game. In my opinion, a rebalance of many tanks should be done and also a decompression of the Br. For example, Israel has a large number of Br8.0, when with some simple realistic changes they could make them of different Br: The Tiran 4 would be left only with the APCBC ammunition (the historical one used by the Arab countries) lowering it to Br 7.3 or 7.7. The Magach 3, Magach 6A and Tiran 4S would be left in Br8.0 with the same ammunition that they already use. To the Magach 6 I would give the APDS M728 and raise the Br to 8.3 along with the Shot Kal Alef, due to the fact of using the M728. Then I would put the Magach 5 and the Magach 3 ERA in Br8.7, receiving the Magach 3 ERA the M111, I would add the Tiran 5S with the M111 and also the Tiran 6 in Br 8.7.
Thus Israel would go from having 8 Br8.0, to having one more Br 7.7, having four Br8.0, two 8.3 and having three more Br8.7. Also keep in mind that the Br would be decompressed, so the highest levels would be further apart.


6.7-8.7 is just uptier city all around

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