Hi, Can you explain to me why my helicopter always crashes? The translation of the control labels into Czech is wrong - (no hover height, but propeller pitch angle), flying, or landing does not work with the Saitek X52Pro with rudder, or on the keyboard with mouse. Hell, even a regular RC model for 50 dollars behaves normally, and it does not have propeller pitch, or electronics with hover mode. Does anyone have a diagram, or a description of how to set the axes for a game controller? The layout for a given controller in the game does not load the axes at all. It used to work (10 years ago), now I have to detect the axes manually. There is also no helicopter control course in the game and the videos are confusing because we cannot see what and how the Youtuber is pressing. There is no video on the keyboard, nor a video of WT with a joystick. Otherwise, manual control is out of the question - always a spin, an attempt to brake, the sensitivity cannot be adjusted, every time I roll the helicopter does not respond, and when I fully control the helicopter completely panics and falls, even in hover mode (H key), for which I lack the logic of use, because you shoot in a completely different direction anyway. I WANT THE NORMAL FORUM BACK. THIS IS UNUSABLE Thank you for the answers
You just used it didnt you?
but before I figured it out! The old forum was much more user friendly
When setting up the controls there is a button at the bottom left “Control setup wizard” , try that and see if it helps you.
Yes it can, if you mark the axis in the controls menu there is a button bottom right “Edit Axis” within that menu you can edit dead zones and sensitivity for each axis individually to fit your specific setup and controller. You can also choose if the controls are supposed to behave relative or not.
This is just for the Roll for Helicopters for example:
Also, i have seen several others make the mistake of setting up the wrong main category of controls and then not understanding why it doesn’t work when flying. So make sure you are editing the category you are planning on using when playing:
I also recommend setting up “Trimming” in the controls so that you can set the manual yaw trim to prevent the helicopter spinning around.
I usually set things like this to be the exact same as the normal control axis but while holding “alt” or “ctrl” at the same time.
hope this helps :)
Thank you very much for your efforts in solving the problem. I have been trying all the variants (thanks for the pictures) for over ten years, over and over again and the planes, and now also the helicopters, are swaying from side to side. The swaying occurs when using the rudder, even in the old tutorial! The only thing holding the flight path is the mouse! THE GAME WITH HELICOPTERS AND PLANES IS UNPLAYABLE THROUGH EXTERNAL PERIPHERALS!! You can easily cancel the simulator modes, and the helicopters too. The whole thing is an arcade with so many extreme deviations in control that it has nothing to do with reality. You have done nothing with maneuvering (for example, with propeller planes) in ten years! The only thing I have figured out, and it works well, is aiming the mouse with the helicopter, where you MUST NOT, for God’s sake, touch the W,S,A,D keys, and God forbid, Q+E. You absolutely cannot calm the helicopter down, and it will go crazy!. And on top of that, the senseless switching of the gunner’s views at the helicopter. (Today and earlier, the pilot was also shooting, right? Even missiles), and the hovering mode… THE HELICOPTER FLYS ITSELF! I only have to decently pull the stick towards me and then away from me, NOT THAT I ADD a little to the propeller angle, IMMEDIATELY UNSTOPPABLE rotation, I see clouds and boom… Sorry, I have never seen such nonsense before… Missiles, whether guided or unguided, are absolutely on… You have to see the target (I only managed to do it once in ten years with both variants), because you won’t even hit a scarecrow in the field like that. Flying planes in mouse and keyboard mode is very good, thank God you left that, you just executed the aiming senselessly, but I learned to get around that. :-) I’ve been trying all the ideas you suggested to me all the time, and without results, and I’ll probably make a video about TOTALLY POINTLESS AND NON-FUNCTIONAL CONTROLS, BECAUSE I’M RUNING OUT OF PATIENCE, WARTHUNDER WAS A CONCEPT. Today I’ll just wipe a tear over the golden times, shake hands with WOT. Try to drive a primitive RC model sometime. You’ll immediately see the difference, and where you’re making mistakes. I’d be grateful for a tutorial from experts, even in English (thanks to Google) because today’s Youtubers can’t even express themselves. The only place where I’ve had fun so far are simplified air battles…
Thank you
no way, I use either full control or mouse, I created a shortcut for modes :-) It’s good that WT has a wide variability of keyboard shortcuts :-) But I’m interested in the trimming! Where did you find it?? Maybe the error is here. I would be happy for functional maneuvering
At the bottom of the full real controls for Helicopter :)
Thank you very much, I’ll try playing with the trimming and let you know how it turned out :-)
Good luck :)
for consoles the wizard is still broken and you still cant save/ load controls without them being all kinds of messed up
I Play WT only with PC and peripheries for PC :-)
oh yea PC as far as I know isn’t affected by it, it only happened to consoles and has been broken for months now, makes HOTAS basically unusable
Is this where that joystick thread that I jumped into in the past few months was having trouble? That the profile itself isn’t as much the issue but the way it’s being brought in/loaded?
Where’s the report for that bug/issue?
on its way
TLDR you can’t load proper hotas controls, and can’t save/load controller control schemes
Wow, yep, I’d class that as a severe issue.
Here I was trying to help someone with this scenario a while back, and this explains a lot and makes it clear that it does need to be fixed.
yea my hotas is useless till it gets fixed, and I like flying helicopters on hotas cause you can somewhat trim it by hand