War thunder is getting old. The Air has been going for over 12 years and ground forces for nearly a decade. There are a lot of vehicles in the game that have been released as limited time vehicles and never released again outside of loot crates. But that leaves us with essentially unused vehicles in the game. The older players stop playing and you see less and less of these unique vehicles.
Loot crate drops are random and most of them aren’t the ones the player recieving them want. I have recieved a few vehicles but play none of them regularly. Its extremely rare to hit any vehicle, rarer still to hit a good vehicle, and even rarer to hit one in a nation and BR you want to play.
The market was a fine solution to this problem… as long as the supply existed. Many of these vehicles have gone to unreasonable price numbers as the supply has evaporated and so no longer contribute to the population of played tanks.
The warbond crates are nearly universally low teir and unexciting nation swapped tanks. I look at them every month and i haven’t seen anything interesting in ages.
I’d like to see a solution to the problem where you can choose what tank you are getting. I wouldn’t mind seeing the E100, T55e1, IS7, Panther 2, ect showing up in the store for holiday events. Something to get these tanks back into rotation and gives people some excitement that they can get a vehicle from an event they missed or back before they started playing. There are plenty of solutions to this problem and i’d like to see the devs impliment something.
Yeah, and those vehicles should not come back. Their at a level of rarity that if it was to come back swarms people get very annoyed with them cause everyone doesn’t know how to use them. Prime example->TB-3 when they were back for one time I saw more crash into the ground cause dumb players wanted to keep using it as a dive bomber.
Once again the Panther II same with 10.5 so those are not coming back. I didn’t make those words that were Gaijin’s words, people can keep begging but they will never return. Those who had it will keep it no one else will again.
Now some vehicles could go to the marketplace but the Ki-10 IIC being one of the rare ones shouldn’t return. Unless Gaijin does another one of those anniversary rare vehicle events sure maybe stuff will return. But you never know. I doubt it though.
It’s more probable we see some paper vehicles when Gaijin runs out of vehicles then we maybe get able to obtain those rare vehicles, but never Marketplace vehicles in a silver plate.
So your argument is that players play a vehicle badly whenever they have never played it before so therefore they shouldn’t be able to play a vehicle they haven’t before? Amazing.
At this point, the devs are adding paper vehicles every year. Literally nothing saying they can’t change their mind, the same as they changed their mind whenever they removed them.
There is literally no reason why they can’t re-release market tanks. They already did so in a random way with the SL lootboxes including marketplace tanks. I’m just asking for a more structured system.
Mate these are really old vehicles long before a marketplace existed. TB-3, Ki-10 II C, Tandem Mai are 3 pre-marketplace.
2 of them should never become a market place vehicle. The TB-3 was only in an anniversary event.
Your argument was that those rare vehicles shouldn’t be brought back because people were performing poorly in them. When they had never flown them before… because they were rare. That argument makes absolutely no sense. I don’t think anyone cares about the KI-10 II C. Another biplane in a horde. But the AMX-50 Surblinde, the T-18, 75mm puma, Erzats M10, P59A, AEC II, or the La-174 would all be in demand. Most of those vehicles are essentially extinct right now. I’ve only seen the puma in the last 1000 or so games.
Facepalm You can keep trying to combat my argument but if you are not gonna read it and break it down then I’m not gonna bother responding. Your claims that “Their too bad” without looking further below would have given you the context that allowing these rare vehicles to return would diminish their reputation. Prime Ex: The First Helicopter ever added to the game it is also how the term "Space climber " was coined.
So let me put this into basic, plain English.
When Y obtains more of X->the Value of X starts decreasing, and its reputation becomes nonexistent because of the new people getting their hands on it.
Z representing value is now worth 0.
If the mechanism was added in some way or how to the game would be pretty cool tbh. For any of the game modes.
Such as 4 people volunteer to fly the parasite fighters so it gives a custom cutscene only for those said players where the TB-3 flies in and drops them. Would probably end up bringing back the TB-3 to an extent.
I shouldn’t have ‘break down’ your argument. You should present it. If you don’t present it, you don’t have a point.
Climbing to space was FAR before the first Heli. That was the J8N1 that could climb above the ceiling that F8Fs and Yak9UTs could in arcade and sit up there and bomb out bases. That was mid beta when ceiling soft caps existed that would prevent planes from breakng them by diminishing performance. It also had some… weird physics where a M163 could go mach 2 if it got above those bands.
‘diminishing reputation’ is a terrible argument. These vehicles are at the point where most 1-2 year players don’t even know they exist.