I got where I am without looking to the forums till now, and when I looked at the forums, it seems all people disagree with me going line :D, so here I am asking for new plane to grind
Can you say what do you mean by yes?
I guess you didn’t get the meme lol.
What I’m saying there is no point of rushing to the top. Research more horizontally than vertically, ie. “Yes”… all of them.
Make a proper lineup and use a certain plane that better suits the map that you are given. If your crews are less experienced, don’t fly at the high BR. It will be easier to upgrade them at a lower Rank. Do more spading and you will get more RP points to research your extra planes. Rank V and VI is not that expensive to research.
Oh you meant that meme, sorry I was just confused as I was expecting a reply as “go for bla bla plane” as for the tip you gave me I will listen it and try to make my f3d-1 line progress to the rank 5 max, thanks for the tip. have a good day
I can see from your lineup, you have 8.3, 7.7 and 7.3, which give you overall BR of 8.0. You are better off researching that 7.7 F-84 with your 6.7 F-84 plane for now and even F3D-1 and then make a flat 7.7 lineup:). Get a nice RP booster and then you can work on spading multiple 7.7 planes in one match:).
Ok thanks for the tips, I will focus on expanding horizontally after finishing my research!
Save your SLs by waiting with the purchase of researched vehicles while you spade what you have. There will be tt sales in May (30% off) and in November-December (50% off).
ooh, thank you for saying this information, I am new to this game and I didn’t knew there was something like this.
I would generally recommend, as @CptBolo said, to research more horizontally than vertically. As for what you should be grinding, it kind of depends on what you’re going for. The plane you’re currently researching leads to the F-8s which are fantastic, as well as the F3H-2 which is one of my favorite planes in the gane. However, the F-104 line will lead you to the F-16s and the F-86 line to the F-15, so it really depends on what you want. It’s also important to consider what planes are along the way. The F-104s are insanely fast but that’s it. The F-86s are in kind of a sorry state, but contrary to what most people will say, I’ll have the hot take that the F-100 is quite good. But then you get to the F-4C, a struggle bus (emphasis on “bus”), and the F-4E which is less a struggle bus but takes a lot of skill, before you get to the F-15. The F-104s lead to the fantastic F-5E and then the fantastic F-15. After the F-8s you have the F-4J which is decent and only then can you get to the F-14s.
So it really depends on not only the end vehicle you’re going for, but also what you’re willing to play along the way. I’d recommend researching out all lines evenly though.
Ok, thank you for you guys’ guidance, I will focus on grinding horizontally for now and then f3h-2 and f100s. Cya, I wish you guys a good day!
3 planes I recommend;
1: The F-104A (the F-104C is the name plane, all it gets is extra ground ordinance options) it’s an extremely fast pencil, it can outrun everything you face including some missiles, but lacks countermeasures as well as a turn rate. So don’t go around getting slow and dogfighting, it has a turning circle larger than the sun
2: The F3H-2. It has decent guns, and I think you can fire them separately if you want to conserve ammo. It has an afterburner which allows it to dogfight anything it faces with those amazing flaps it has and leading edge flaps. Last time I played it I had a blast. However, its lack of flares is a major downside, and you’ll die quite a lot of missiles you can do nothing about.
Another major downside to both the previously mentioned planes is that they both get up tiered constantly, there’s a massive lack of downtiers…
The best plane of all of them, which solves this issue, and the most enjoyable I dare say, is the F-8U-2. It has Four 18G rear aspect missiles, and unlike all the other planes at this tier, it has Countermeasures.
The only downside to the plane is that if you turn using full elevator for a few seconds the instructor allows you to randomly pull an excess amount of G force and you snap your wings. This should only be an Air RB issue though as last I checked Arcade doesn’t have wing ripping. Other than this issue, it’s an amazing energy fighter, has excellent climb and turn rate, but is a bit heavy in the thrust to weight department. It’s also more than capable of dealing with the planes at its BR, and absolutely murders any plane it comes across in downtiers.
For the reason that both the F-3H-2 and F-8U-2 fall in the same line, I suggest researching both of those and that line of the Techtree first.
I see, then I will listen to you after I fully grind rank 5, thanks for your time.
F-8 or AV-8