Specifically from br 7.0 to top tier. The nation that ive grinded the most is with the US. Should i just stick to this nation ? Is US and Russia the ones that will get new jet additions to the game the most ?
The US has the best jets currently for most BRs.
such as?
What USA has is a lot of variety, not necessarily the best always. There are some few unique ones such as F-14’s but other than that, a lot of them are comparable and average to a lot of other nations.
F80’s and F84’s sweep most early jets
Sabers and A-4’s are also pretty good at there respective BR’s, just take time to learn
F-104’s dominate their BR
F8U’s and F-5C are also extremely good for their BR’s
F4 phantoms are not the best for their BR’s but are definitely still usable
Everything in rank 8 is pretty good.
While other nations have copies or better variations of US aircraft, they’re also not at the same BR as the US versions. And there are ofc aircraft that are also really good for other nations like Migs in many TT’s, but all of their advantages can be midigated using the right strategies in US aircraft. So imo I’d say the US has the best jets for almost every BR
Any meteor from 7.3-7.7, especially the early mk3 is very dominant
Yak 15. Su-11.
There are a lot of strong jets around 8.0-8.7. Also the best A-4s are the Israeli ones by far, the US ones are actually mid or straight up bad for their BR.
Ayit? Mig-19? Cl-13B? Hunter F6?
F-104s are easy to avoid for the most part, unless you are alone vs many.
There is no definitive answer to your question.
But If I had to choose only 3 nations, having US, China and Britan will give you lots of platforms to play with.
France if you care about the rafale, if you don’t, china already has the mirage 2000k and Israeli has modifications of mirage 3 and 5 (I think?)
I am Rank 8 in all but Italy and Sweden and I don’t foresee myself grinding any other nation in the future. Italy is just copy paste for the most part, sweden I only care about the gripen which Britain has access to.
The last nation I am finishing, which is Israel, at least got some interesting modifications without being straight copy paste from other trees, and is very easy to grind.
The nation with the best jet is always the one that just shot you down.
It’s largely preference, but Japan has the fastest grind for the same OP jets that USA and Israel have.
Soviets have their own OP 13.7, but that’s about it.
All nations have strong vehicles at certain BRs - the SU-11, MIG-15/F-86s, “German” hunter, etc.
Wait for India Rafale to UK and Myanmar Rafale to China XD
What?! You can’t be serious, the only big adventage of Su-27SM over other top tier jets is amout of missile and that’s it which are not as good as NATO counterparts(except R-73 that thing is nasty).
The only downside to the Su-27SM is the radar scan rate, which is partially managed by the “lock target” keybind.
Great airframe, great RWR, great weapons, great fuel amount.
First of all you don’t even have Su-27SM
Second, that’s bs. N001vep is the second worst radar on top tier, almost everything is better. RWR is also worst than others with small cover area. Airframe is still underperforming.
Great weapon? The only truly great weapon is R-73, R-77 is lacking a lot of it’s performance, range etc it has high G pulls and that’s all. R-27ERs on top tier are not that great as on 13.0, they has speed but everything with 2 braincell will just launch amraam and turn away.
I’ve used the Su-27SM on dev server as well as have access to it:
So thanks for admitting all my posts are correct by your post both lying and resorting to insults.
Also prove that the Su-27SM is supposed to perform better than a Gripen, I’ll wait.
Su-27SM: 19.5 degrees per second.
F-16C: 18.6 degrees per second.
Dev server =/= live server
Why should i? I didn’t say it
France is the best rn
You claim that Su-27SM with its airframe that performs better than the F-16C and almost as good as Gripen is underperforming, which is claiming that it’s supposed to be better than Gripen.
Su-27SM = 19.5 degrees per second.
Gripen = 19.7 degrees per second.
Than show me where i claimed that Su-27SM is better or worst than F-16 or JAS-39. I said that airframe is still underperforming, do you know what does it mean?
Than check energy retention, TWR, drag, and all speed lost in turns. Gripen wins in DF with Su-27SM in most of scenatiors
If 0.2 degrees per second worse than Gripen is Su-27SM “underperforming”, prove that it’s supposed to be BETTER than Gripen.
Degrees per second IS energy retention.
Su-27SM TWR is a minimum of 1.3:1 with 5 minutes of afterburning fuel.
28,000/ 4700 + 16700 = 1.3:1.
Drag is irrelevant as sustained turn rate will show thrust to drag ratio.
Gripen wins in a dogfight by 0.2 degrees per second.
And Su-27SM wins against F-16Cs in dogfights when opponents are equal.
Oh and F-15E/Mig-29SMT with the worst energy retention above 13.0 do fine in air RB, cause while energy retention is important, it’s less important the higher it goes for random battles.