Which is the worst top BR MBT in your opinion?

In Chinese Social Platform most of players think that Chinese MBTs are the worst in game.A vote of over 1,000 players shows that 44% players think VT-4A1 is the worst MBT in 12.0 now. I’m wondering is this result universality or just reflect in Chinese Social Platform.

So,why don’t we choose the worst MBT here?

  • M1A2 SEP/v2
  • Leopard 2A7V/HU
  • Leopard 2 PSO
  • Leopard 2A5/6
  • T-80BVM
  • T-90M
  • Challenger 2 E
  • Challenger 2 Black Night
  • Type 10/TKX
  • ZTZ-99A/WZ 1001
  • VT-4A1
  • Ariete AMV
  • Leclerc (any version)
  • Strv 122 (any version)
  • Merkava Mk.4 (any version)
0 voters

VT4A1 is among the worst next to the Challenger 2s but I wouldn’t say it’s the worst, that accolade probably belongs to either the Merkava or Ariete (most likely Ariete).


haha I my self had chosen the challenger 2 black night

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Ariete is a glass cannon of top tier, while other tanks can at least take a punch - Ariete doesn’t. Challengers and Leclercs (despite having inaccuracies) are not that bad how people think. Can’t say for sure about VT-4A and ZTZ-99A, but they are more cardboard versions of T-80BVM, so they aren’t bad too.
Btw, who even voted for 2A7? Seriously?


If I had to guess the Ariete probably takes the #1 spot and then its a competition between LeClercs, Merkavas and chinese MBT’s.

Ariete purely because of the low level of protection, though it also has some of the strongest offensive power with 5 second reload + DM53. Also has half decent mobility and a relatively small profile.

After that, it has to be the Challenger 2. Its the slowest tank by far, poor levels of protection despite its weight of armour and below average fire-power and has major issues with its tiny (ahistorical) ready rack

BN is half decent due to the APS and excellent optics, but still can barely compete with most of the other tanks within its BR. If the CR2s actually got fixed and modeled even half accurately, then the Merkava would likely take the spot for the second worse tank in game.

(whilst its not on the list as it “moved down” the CR3TD though would take the place as the worst tank at top tier imo, with the Ariete AMV being the better of the 2)


The Leclerc in its current state is defiantly on par with the Ariete, for the worst MBT. Leclerc has 2nd worst armor, worst PEN and post PEN damage shell and bad survivability because of 3 man crew and fuel tank explosions.

If Gaijin made the Leclerc equal it its real life counterpart it would 100% be the best tank in the game by far.


the Black Night is the best challenger 2 tf are you talking about? its APS has saved me more than thee TES armour ever has

I can just give my opinion to the 99A and tbh I had a better experince in it than in the leo 2A7HU. idk why but 99a feels just better.

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Its just purely listing all 12.0s. Whilst the APS gives it an edge under certain situations, its also still just a challenger 2.

In the vehicle itself or lineup overall? Because I only have WZ1001 as test drive and haven’t researched it, for me it have similar gameplay of T-80’s, but you are more likely get ‘oneshot’ by the enemy.

Press x to doubt

How is Leclerc the 3rd most popular option? It’s like 3rd or 4th best aside from Leopard 2s.

The Ariete AMV is a glass cannon but it still has great firepower and good mobility being relatively light.

CR2 BN is definitely the worst. Weak round, terrible mobility, mediocre armor, tiny ready rack, no blowout panels. It doesn’t excel at anything like other top MBTs do.

Abrams have the best firepower at top tier, Leopard 2s are a jack of all trades, T-series have good armor, Type 10 has a fast reload, ZTZ99A has excellent mobility, Ariete has great firepower, Leclerc is super fast with a great reload, Merkava has great firepower and a great reverse speed. Chally 2s have what?


Because it’s people who main those nations

I don’t main any nation but if I had to choose one, it’d be France. And I love the Leclerc it’s my most played vehicle. But it’s objectively a very good top tier MBT even with all its bugs.

So I said Leclerc, and I have my reasons.
Gonna start with the Onion.
1- Don’t be seen.
2- If seen, don’t be shot at.
3- If shot at, don’t be hit.
4- If hit, don’t be penned.
5- If penned, don’t die.

Challenger 2 Black Night intercepted a KH-38 and AGM-114 so far… That alone makes it better than Leclerc for me despite it being less mobile.
And Ariete while it doesn’t have armor, it has mobility and ammo so it’ll get onion layers 1 - 3 just fine.

Armor matters for 4, and ammo layout and crew layout matters for 5.

I think the only tanks that can really consistently handle 5 is Abrams and Merkava.
4 a number of tanks handle this: Abrams, T-90M, Leopard 2…

They look the best :P

But serious answer, for now, BN has great optics and APS, but as soon as other nations get APS, that advantage goes away

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Because since few updates ago every ~ tanks got 5 sec reload making it’s autoloader just a bad feature since it is trading it for another crew member with a bad round and with non existent armor while the leo is not too far in speed.

Last time i played my lineup after this change i had even worst games playing it.

There isn’t even any of the main features of the tank modelled like having no problem to shoot a target while moving (Yes other tanks struggle to it irl), his crazy acceleration thanks to his hyperbar engine and the fact it can’t use his autoloader to the fullest as it can basically reload even while driving at max speed which non autoloaded tanks cannot do it irl at all (It would be a bad feature honestly to model and would be better to have just kept the previous reloading times of others tanks)

To be honest, I was between BVM and Leclerc.
If it wasn’t for Black Night’s APS consistently defeating AGMs it wouldn’t have gotten higher than both of those for me.
Ariete having DM53 helps it for my consideration a lot.

And I don’t like the BVM for one simple reason: All its armor is in the hull UFP… that’s it.
Other tanks have the turret armor be equal or superior to the hull armor, not BVM. BVM’s turret is like 50% the protection of the UFP; I hate it for that.
Still notably better than the Leclerc though.

I much prefer tanks that know they’re weak than pretend they’re strong.

I would be more ok if leclerc had shard but for now, it has bad armor with bad shell, so yeah, it can’t counteract his weakness at all.

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