Where is our J10B&J11B

I feel so disappointed😔


Not currently needed, and wouldn’t fit in the current approaching meta with AESA radars and such.

Yes, the late B model was equipped with an AESA, but it was a very early, slow, heavy, and (compared to other modern fighters of the time) very underwhelming.


Late J-11Bs use domestic engines and composite materials making it lighter and faster than their Russian counterparts.

We honestly should’ve gotten the J-15 this update as the current theme clearly revolves around canard aircraft.

At the very least Gaijin could actually fix the J-11A, move it down to 13.3 then folder it with the regular J-11 in preparation of later J-11 variants.


I was talking about the J-10B, not 11

The same applies for the J-10B nonetheless, it uses more composite materials, a simpler and less heavy intake design and better engines.

The radar was more than competent as well, it wasn’t produced as much compared to the J-10C because the AESA radar planned for it was deemed developed enough to abandon production of the J-10B.

There was no promise by the Devs to put it into the game. The leak lists are not entirely accurate and the dev server isn’t over yet so you still might get it. At this point i need to Control+C and Control+V Smins messages.

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It was allegedly confirmed China won’t be getting anything for aviation. We’ll probably be getting both the J-10B and J-11B sometime next year.

They were only rumoured to currently be being worked on, not confirmed to be coming this update.

U won’t understand,I’ve waited them from June to December.By the way,the J10B used PESA instead of AESA.

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The J-10B uses the PESA radar instead of the AESA. What’s more, the J-10B can carry a variety of indigenous Chinese A2G weapons, it is a good multi-role fighter, and it is of great significance to China’s CAS.


No Chinese gamer will accept this reality. It’s heartbreaking.

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It shouldn’t be like that. In the March version of next year, when other countries get better things, China will only have these guys who are already lagging behind. In fact, the J-11B should have appeared in the previous version, and it was at best comparable to the F-15C. What’s more, the J-11B model does not need to be modified, only some other data needs to be changed.

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That’s only a seven months, and not life changing, I don’t really see the issue. China’s air isn’t really competitive in war thunder, and that’s due to the makeup of the PLAAF being very mediocre at everything, China at least gets the F-16MLU.

Some people have been waiting for the PzH-2k since the early days of this game.

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Bro what. The j7e is the best dogfighter before the gripen. The j10 is one of the best top tiers right now. It gets 5 ARH carriers, using 3 different ARH missiles.


Someone heard through the “grapevine” that a stock was going to rise sharply, and then the stock fell, so he began to insult the regulators and the exchange.
Why? Gaijin never officially said they will add J-10B or J-11B this patch. Don’t forget A-6E SWIP which appear in at least 5 leaks…

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Bro you and your bolding. Makes me face palm.

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What does F-16A MLU and PzH-2000 have to do with anything?

What are you even saying in general? Please reiterate.

First you say that the J-10B & J-11B won’t fit the current meta because they have AESA radars. (Elaborate?)

Then you say that J-10B’s AESA radar was underwhelming compared to its contemporaries (Does that not contradict your first point?)

Then you say that China’s air tree being uncompetitive is due to the makeup of the PLAAF being “mediocre at everything” (Again, elaborate?)

You pose several fragmented arguments that are hardly connected with each other, all of which hinge on either your own preconceived notion regarding the combat effectiveness of the PLAAF, or the fact that “other people have been waiting longer for other vehicles”, or that “China received the F-16A MLU two years ago” (The F-16A MLU, which still has the wrong number of countermeasures…)


Let’s just wait. I don’t want to fly a plane which is added into our game just in the next release but has a lot of problems. For example, J11B can fire PL12B/C and PL8B A-Amissiles and KH series AGMs with 1493 radar. I want to see them on plane when it joins,instead of seeing J11B with only 1491 radar, PL12A and PL8. So let’s be patient and watch the news.

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rather blatant ignorance but i’ll leave you to it :)

Well, Gaijin is just too busy selling new copy paste packs.