I have gotten every single plane researched possible for the USA Tech Tree, excluding the OS2U as it is red and I am not playing Naval. I was wondering where the research goes when I play a game. Does it store up and when a new plane is released I can spend the research on that.
u go next tech tree
It disappears.
I actually don’t know, I’ve never actually fully ground out a TT yet, I just mix and match and play what I enjoy. I’d have to assume they wouldn’t throw the gained RP away, but knowing gaijin they do.
Pretty sure it goes into convertible RP but you have to spend GE to use that on something
All RP you get (without any penalty) mirrors into your Convertible RP. So if you are still researching something in the TT and you get 10K in a battle you get 10K added to the vehicle you are researching and 10K to your convertible RP.
If you don’t have any more vehicles to research you only get the convertible RP. Your “real” RP disappears. I can play a game and post a screenshot after if you want.
That’s really stupid it should go towards something
Thats rlly stupid didn’t it used to be where your extra research went somewhere idk I’m going to make a topic in the Dev Suggetions and tag you guys on it so we can try and get it fixed next update or something like that.
Good luck with that. It’s this way by design. If it wasn’t you could unlock all 10 air trees with 1 premium plane for example.
sent to the research gods
Yeah its pending to be posted through the mods rn I’ll get you guys on it as soon as it gets approved
Yeah, it disappears in snail’s black hole. Same thing happens when you max out your crews. I have 2 crews that are all maxed out for all 3 types, but I keep 0.5 unpurchased, so I can still collect crew points. One crew slot has more than 50,000 crew points just sitting there. It’s really a bad game design and you are always on the receiving side of it.
When you go to battle with multiple crews, the acquired experience should influence your other crews that go with them. If I’m maxed out with one crew, I should be able to distribute the acquired experience, even if it was just 10% or something.
There is so much potential with this, but gaijin is just shortsighted and focused on churning out new $70+ premiums. If you cannot distribute it to other crew slots, you could have the points go toward some unique titles, decals, units, extra crew slots for “free”, discounts above 50%, etc. There is always some progress and there are units that are available, but still not in the game, so the research should always move forward, even though there is supposedly nothing to research at this time. The end game really sucks in WT due to this lack of vision.
Edit: This is as bad as getting to Level 100 ten years ago, but it would take me something like 100+ years to get all the medals in game. All of this doesn’t make any sense, just like these silly convertible RP that I have 74 million of and will never use.
In case of ground battles you can make it go towards helicopters, but when you have everything researched… what do you want it to go towards?
It goes away, but you can save it up on individual planes so that when a new modification is added you can basically get it immediately.
I don’t see how having everything researched would mean you have planes to research
Camouflages are already independent of RP and if you like a vehicle enough to play it until you researched everything they you will already have the camouflages unlocked anyway
Boosters to boost… what exactly? If you have everything you’re not really gonna have anything to spend RP or SL on
You can already unlock a lot of decorations through playing, independent of RP, and online games always used things like paid cosmetics to fund the game, many of which you can get for free anyway, so not much would change
Maybe it’s just me, but I think it would be nice to have a system similar to enlisted where research gets put into a bank for that tech tree once you have everything. That way you can still play it without being inefficient.