Gajjin promised separate BR for ground and air battles.
Will there be any changes soon? Only handful high tier planes have it.
I mean having something like the A2D at 7.0 is just insane…
All US-CAS planes need to go up in ground at least 1 BR.
Gajjin promised separate BR for ground and air battles.
Will there be any changes soon? Only handful high tier planes have it.
I mean having something like the A2D at 7.0 is just insane…
All US-CAS planes need to go up in ground at least 1 BR.
They’re already in the game.
What? A2D is a chronically standard 7.0 CAS.
Kikka, Attacker, 262 Jabo, 262 A-1a, Su-9, SK60B on-BR.
A few like Yak9K and Pe-8 got separate BRs.
A2D is far better at CAS than any of those.
262 A-1a doesn’t even get bombs, Kikka gets just one, Jabo gets 2 at most, Su9 should be the same and I don’t remember what the SK60 had.
None of these get a 4000lb bomb AND a series of other bombs after it.