When you are reparing your tracks

And you shoot your main cannon, and your track repair timer restarts?

Is this normal/intentional?

The timer restarts when you move, and you can move due to your cannon’s recoil.

It’s why I always hold F to repair so it locks me in place.

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Hmm, it seems that not every vehicle does this, so now we can assume that it’s based on how much the vehicle moves based on the recoil energy? does it restart too when someone pushes you, a teammate could interrupt your repair?

Interesting, I have never once seen this. I let it repair on its own, and shoot just fine. This way when I don’t see someone, or see them late. I can quickly adjust position to hopefully block/deflect the shot after they shoot me once or are about to. If it resets the timer, so be it, but keeps me competitive. Instead of having to stop repairing before I can move.

But I’ve never seen this, what nation did it happen with? Can’t say I’ve ever seen it with Russia, US and Japan. I have however accidentally hit the key and annoyed myself since I’m not locked in place lol

Several times with 279, but was long time ago, then Magach doing this suddenly reminds me, was reparing and continue to shoot at the enemy (didn’t get shot at), and was like why am I still repairing.