When will we get more advanced Air premiums?

Slow platform makes it much harder to get to bases compared to very fast F-104S.
And missiles are nothing special considering their motor works less time than AIM-9L (40 s against 60 s), max G is 45 btw not 50. Maybe someone will find them very useful, but I would better have a fast plane with AIM-9J instead.

Oh shit they done nerfed em to 45g’s, not like that isn’t the hardest pulling IR missile still though. It’s also a lot lower BR than the F-104S and isn’t a 1950’s airframe fighting things like the SU27 and F15. I mean idk why it’s 12.0 still when something like the J-8B exists at 11.3. If you’re lucky in the AMX you can get 4 bases in a match and the missiles are great at the BR. Tbh I would have much rather seen a premium tornado as much as I hate them but what can ya do. Most F104’s I saw would just be the first to die to phoenixes lmao but maybe that’s changed a bit since the F14’s got moved up quite a large amount and they aren’t as common place anymore. Still hated that its been placed at such a high BR for so long.

You won’t learn many top tier mechanics playing props.
I’ve grinded to top tier through TT and still had to learn things on the fly.

You are talking about ASA, the one with AIM-9L. Original F-104S (and TAF) is sitting at 11.3.
S used to suck a lot from F-14s, but now it’s fortunately separated from them.

I want MiG-29 Sniper as premium)

What? Props help you learn the basics in leading shots and maintaining energy which is really important at any tier, as well as awareness of your surroundings. Mid tier helps with learning radars and early missiles, as well as how to properly dogfight in jets. Once you get to top tier having this prior knowledge of the game and its mechanics will make you miles better than any person who just bought a premium 13.0 at level 10 and gets shit on every match.


ngl I think most of the snipers upgrades wouldn’t really be very apparent in war thunder, also a premium mig29 is just gross to think about.

Its gross to think about cause it feels like it was added yesterday not because it would be too good/bad or anything lmao

Gun play is far less used higher up you go. Also, radar lead exists.

Early radar missiles are dog crap that can be dodged easily by just having enough energy. You won’t learn how to properly notch/chaff/multipath good radar missiles. All of that theory can be summed up in a single 15 minute YT video.

You’ll still eat crap first times you encounter things like IRCCM missiles and that’s fine.

Radar lead is bugged on many aircraft such as the rafale as of now and plenty of aircraft don’t get it, plus gun play is important to know as losing all your missiles for position is a common occurance and you need to know how to finish them off without missiles. Mid tier literally teaches you about chaff and radars and watching out for missiles in front and behind you, which is an easier experience than in dodging fox-3s. And when you start facing against things like the Mig23 and the F-4S you will better learn to notch and multipath against easier to dodge fox-2 missiles. A 15 minute youtube video will never be able to fully explain the large amount of mechanics in the game and the habit can only be grown with experience. And IRCCM isn’t hard to avoid you just have to flare into the missile, very simple thing to do. Also you can apply dodging missiles even at 14.0 as they lose energy, I’ve avoided AMRAAM’s head on without chaff before and that only comes with years of learning how to dodge missiles without chaff.

Bugs should be fixed though.

By the time you spend 6/8 missiles match is simply over or 5v1 plenty of times.

General awareness is tier specific and can be taught only by playing said tier.

Top tier aircraft have advanced RWRs so your awareness of radar missiles is literally automated.

You should only learn those mechanics once, the proper way. Cutting corners isn’t a good idea.

Of course experience is needed but theory sets you up for success. All needed theory is a video away.

Much harder than standard missiles. They will keep punishing you until you learn. Experience in dodging 9Bs won’t help you much there.

Meanwhile early radar missiles can be dodged simply by not being afk lol. There’s a big difference.

I suppose another aircraft premium (pack & GE) rank 8 (12.3 ~ 13.7) in the future

USA : F/A-18A (Late), F-16CG Early (Block 42), F-16C (Block 32)

RU : MiG-23-98-2, Su-30M

Germany : F-4F ICE

UK : Typhoon DA.2, Harrier GR.7(ZD318)

Japan : F-16A OCU (IDAF), T-50TH (P3), XF-2A

China : FTC-2000G (Early) (KLJ-7 radar), J-8 Peace Pearl, F-5E Tiger 2000

France : F-16AM Early (BE)

Sweden : F-16A OCU (NO)

i’d rather have more mid BR (4-8) premiums, less fully green players leaving after one death or g-locking and crashing into the floor


oh god please no, the f4s hordes are enough

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Mid BR premiums kind of defeat the main purpose of premiums as a tool to grind through the whole TT as fast as possible.
They won’t have maximum research efficiency.

You may use premiums to grind trees, I don’t. I buy premiums that are fun and that’s it. Get premium time if you need to grind, and go and actually enjoy the tech-tree instead of skipping it all. We don’t need top-tier premiums stinking up games. I think they should do premium SPAA, for ground battles, next.


In a perfect world, the 5th of never.

That said, they will be released at some point, as it will make money for the snail and that’s all that really matters to them.

Premium account + premium vehicle is the best way to grind stuff out in this game. The higher BR/tier vehicle is at, it will have more RP rewards thus will be better at grinding. High tier premiums literally exist for this reason.

Also, people have different preferences, so not everyone will enjoy playing WW2 air tractors or top tier jets, which is yet another selling point of high tier premiums, as they allow you to basically skip parts of the game you don’t enjoy.

We already reached a point with no return as we have 13.0 Air premium for Sweden.
Seeing how other branches like Ground or Naval have premiums just a few BR steps below the max BR, I don’t see a reason why Air shouldn’t follow that standard as well. This is literally preventing some people to spend money on a game, which is not something Gaijin would like to see.

My point is - a premium account will keep you in the positive SL-wise, always. You don’t need to rush to high-tier, so the extra RP in premium vehicles is really not required. Obviously, people have their preferences. But I can honestly say, even if you’re some guy who only likes modern jets, and want to skip to it, you’re not going to be prepared for how flawed top-tier is in this game. The execution is quite poor. Just like the execution is poor when you have games full of premiums with low-experienced players in them, which you’re advocating for. Yes, it makes sense for Gaijin to do it for $$$ reasons, but if they want people to actually stick around and enjoy the game for over a decade (like I have), you won’t let them skip straight to the worst of the worst this game has to offer. It’s not even a subjective view at this point, top-tier gameplay is just objectively rubbish. Not even just top-tier - any game with sides full of F-4S, and the other premiums… you just know you’re in for a bad time. It’s not even an equipment preference, but a gameplay/team preference (I’m spending $100s at the Avalon airshow in a few months, to see F-35, etc, because I actually do enjoy modern equipment just as much as older equipment). To improve top-tier - you don’t want to flood it with inexperienced players in premiums, to say the least. It’s the last thing it needs. So Gaijin really has a choice - they either make short-term profit from potential premium sales, or they make top-tier the best it can be which will ensure more $$$ in the long-term.

Now, I see you’re a 90%+ groundplayer (RB), and I’ve been in your position before. I had a ground tree fully ground out, but I had neglected air to the fullest extent. I’d have top-tier tanks, and only a BR 3.3 plane available. Grinding air in ground battles is quite inefficient, and I just had to start playing air battles again and get it done. I’m still 70% ground battles, but I’ve found some air BRs that I’ll jump in an enjoy. For example, I purchased the 8.7 A-4E for Israel, then used that to unlock Ayit, and I love Ayit so much (AIM-9D at 9.3… hello), that I am about to unlock the 14.0 F15I Ra’am, just playing Ayit with some Nesher and Shahak sprinkled in (Also have Barak II and others available). I can’t even imagine being a new player and trying to grind it all out at top-tier with FOX-3 spam, etc. It would just be frustration city.

The problem is, some people want to rush past WW2 air tractors as that simply isn’t something they’ll enjoy playing, which is totally fine if you ask me.

Yeah I know ARB can be a cesspool at all tiers, but at least you’re in a vehicle you actually want to play, if you get me.

Not like skill floor/ceiling is high in top tier ARB where half of your gameplay is (semi) automated anyways.

Some people aren’t even interested in other game modes outside Air ones. In my case, I’m not even grinding Air TTs to use them in GRB, as I want to play/research tanks there.

I think if you spend like an hour learning theory you can be pretty effective with SPAMRAAMs, especially if you’re using blatantly OP UFOs.

Imo Sniper would be a solid premium, even if it comes only with different RWR, cockpit and cool livery. MiG-29 in general is a very nice plane, probably a rare high tier jet I’ve actually had a lot of fun to play. I just hope that it isn’t another Tornado…