When will US get a solid top tier SPAA?

Stryker MSL can be useful in toptier


So taking a BRIEF look at the United States Congress CRS report on the M-SHORAD vehicle (Which I will not attach because, however if you look up "M-SHORAD Armament, it was the first thing that came up for me). There are THREE proposed and approved iterations of the M-SHORAD.

M-SHORAD Increment 1 is an M1126 Stryker based- vehicle, using Radar systems from Leonardo DRS and attached by General Dynamics Land Systems attachments. It has an unmanned turret that, in accordance with the document, has
2x AGM-114L Long Bow Hellfire Missiles with Fire and Forget Capabilities that have the ability to hit Ground Targets
4x FIM-92 Stingers (Configured by Raytheon)
1x XM914 30mm Automatic Cannon
1x M240 Machine Gun AND
1x Multi-Mission Radar, supposedly capable of targeting both Ground and Air targets for the vehicles weapons.

M-SHORAD Increment 2 is also based upon the M1126 Stryker platform. This variant is also referred to as the M-SHORAD (DE), or Directed Energy. Why?
Armament for M-SHORAD(DE) consists of
1x 50 kW laser developed by Raytheon to counter “a variety of air and artillery threats”
And apparently, it works really well against drones. However it is still working on Shells.

M-SHORAD Increment 3 is a base upgrade off of Increment 1- Retaining similar armament, however with the 30mm cannon receiving XM 1223 Multi Mode Proximity Airburst Munition (MMPA), as well as replacing the FIM-92 Stingers with the Next Generation Short Range Interceptor, or NGSRI.

For those unfamiliar with NGSRI, it is the replacement missile for the aging FIM-92, with hopes to be a much more capable system than before. I haven’t done much research into NGSRI, but I will report back when I have more information.
But anyway, just so we have some base knowledge on the M-SHORAD and what it has available to it Armament wise.


It seems like this thing has got like 4 different Air-Defense variants.



DE-M Shorad

I think the MSL would be a pretty decent ~11.0 SPAA. Only having 6 total missiles would suck though, since presumably there aren’t any in the chassis. M-Shorad would be okay at 10.3-10.7 for the same reason.

AGM-114L I don’t think would make it overly strong because of WT’s incredibly close-quarters gameplay, these missiles would be useless against tanks within about 1km.

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Give me all of it in WT.

Or at least Inc. #1 and #3. That’d be dope.

The MSL is GDs solution for the US Military needing a new Land Based Short Range SPAAG. It is, although based on the same platform, not related to the M-SHORAD from the research I have seen.

The disadvantage of the MSL over the M-SHORAD increment 3 is that it lacks the NGSRI, MMPA, and has a different 30mm cannon. The benefit is more Aim-114Ls, however that would make it more of a ground based vehicle, which is something we need to be careful of.

AUDS is not the name of the Stryker platform but actually of the thing that is mounted. It is not currently suitable for game as it is pretty much from my information a jamming tool rather than an actual Air Defense tool. AUDS is a C-UAS system. That is the words I am looking for.

Isn’t NGSRI supposed to be a drop-in replacement for Stinger, and even work in the stinger box launcher?

Id prefer just to receive Increment 3. It gives us access to a long range, capable missile from Boeing, as well as essentially a proximity round on a 30mm gun. It also gives us 2x FnF missiles, which would be great for dealing with Helicopters given the range of Aim-114Ls.

Although I wouldn’t mind Increment 1, it doesn’t actually provide anything new and exciting compared to the ADATS, except for I guess the 114Ls which if anything were more designed for Ground Targets somewhat defeating the overall point of a new SPAAG introduction.

I am not sure. I am not an expert on any of this. this is simply me coming off of 30 minutes of reading publicly available Government information (PUBLICLY AVAILABLE GAIJIN) and relaying what I find. Although this seems to be correct, I am not sure and will have to do more research. Sorry for not knowing. I will figure out more.

The biggest issue though is that Gaijin is completely incompetent at modeling Hellfires, so I could foresee the Hellfires being dogwater just like the ones we currently have, which would basically cripple the addition of those vehicles.


Yeah we know literally nothing about this missile performance-wise. It’s unlikely we’d see it introduced any time soon. Stingers could and should receive a buff though to bring them into realistic performance parameters. They have 50% of their IRL locking range and are missing anywhere from 7-10Gs of pull.

It only cripples the ability for Ground Targets and Heli’s. For CAS, the NGSRI should be fully if not significantly more capable than the ADATS currently is, as it seems the missile will just be a much much much more capable Stinger (And a much longer ranged Stinger, btw)

Actually, the doo-doo hellfire flight trajectory might make them better for CQB engagements.

True, indeed.

Still would be nice for current and future Hellfires to not suck, though.

I mean, gaijin added the 2S38. We don’t know much about it. Same with the Chally 3. And I’m sure I could go on and on here. It may as well be worth it to make up stats for the NGSRI and add it to the game, and adjust as needed. Id rather have fake stats for a real missile than no missile or crappy missile.

Very true.

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No because the garbage flight trajectory also screws over the attack vector, which ruins the Hellfire’s overall lethality.

A perfect example of this is drones attacking Helicopters. The Orion is fully capable of taking out an Apache if it needs to, even if the Apache moves a little bit. However asking MQ-1 to take out a Ka-50 is another story. Practically any movement and the Hellfire now will not hit its target. So. Just worth looking at.


Looks like there should be one with a proxy fuze too



If the M-SHORAD Increment 3 received the AGM-114L-7/8A, along with the MMPA and NGRIS, it would be a perfect new SPAAG. Making the assumption that we give the NGRIS a range of 12~15kms, and make it capable of actually manuevering, along with the MMPA the actual ability to function, this would be a perfectly suited new SPAA, as it can deal with High Flying targets (drones and Planes) Using NGRIS, Far off Helis and slow flying drones with AGM-114L-7/8A, and close Heli’s and planes with the XM914 30mm with MMPA. Overall that would be a nice, and more importantly, good addition.


There’s also this thing from L3Harris


Maybe not top-tier, but definitely an SPAA/ATGM launcher

Its called Vampire

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