Why are the issues we submit often left unanswered by the administrators? I already have 8 issues that haven’t received a response.
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You can message a Technical Moderator to ask about specific reports if they have not been answered for a long time.
You can find all Volunteer teams and who to contact for each area in this list here: (Who is who and Reporting Procedure)
I was told not to advertise reports because “they’ll get to it”
That’s why i said:
Also, just posting a topic for a report you just created or created just a few weeks ago isn’t really necessary. Same as this topic which is why i directed to send a private message instead.
the chaparral issue has been around for over 6 months
I even found what the problem was, but that got ignored
VR HMD issues don’t even get looked at. What are they doing with all that premium money?
In the past few days, I’ve frequently encountered issues where missiles fail to launch after locking onto a target in air battle. The issues I submitted have received no response at all.