I was just playing naval, and (this only ever seems to happen on naval) the server crashed. Not me, not the internet failing, the server crashed, you can see this on the replay. It ends abruptly and it had told me the game had ended then in the messages, yet I was on my first ship and the game was about 4 minutes old, the server had clearly died in some way. I’d just played a 300 booster and the game had barely got going and that was it totally wasted.
This is INFURIATING! Gaijin must know their server (or game at the server) crashed, yet they treat the players like rubbish and just throw away the hard earned or paid for booster. If I worked for Gaijin I wouldn’t remotely find this fair - as it clearly isn’t fair. It’s not the player to blame, they can do nothing.
It’s just wasted, and it’s in Gaijins area of responsibility that the problem lies. So frustrating, this isn’t the first time it’s happened!