nice cope.
1)Spread missinformation
2)People start questioning it
3)Tell them they cope
Basically every discussion around russian trashcans
someone make a 5th gen Thread;
1.- USA fanboys start spreading misinformation and copium.
2.- Well informed people start calling them out.
3.- They cope even harder.
Every F. time. Muh rivets… Muh F-18 RCS… Muh underpower engine…
Whatever let you sleep at night.
Try to refute this video or Butowski info.
And what misinformation would that be?
No no no, don’t mix me with them, I just know that russia is just incapable of making anything good, and it’s a fact. The name of the youtuber, same as the title of the video just screams about ru fanboyism. I’ve seen a couple of his vids before and: 1)His credibility is lower than zero 2)His reputation is strictly negative 3)He falls under the general pattern russian propagando…a works under.
But I kinda get which media bubble you’re sitting in, good luck…
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