When i the Mig-25 "Foxbat" coming to game

Well i understand the MiG-25 Foxbat is insanely fast, but why isn’t in the game?

I guess let’s start with the question: what BR would you put it at?

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10.0-10.3 depending if its pd or not

It’s hard to balance, if you put it at a br where it’s weapons are good, it’s too fast and nothing can touch it, but if you put it at a br where things are fast enough/have good enough missiles to shoot it down, then it’s kinda useless. Like an f104 on steroids, useless at a br where it’s speed is balanced and op at a br where it’s weapons are balance.

10.0 to 11.0

9.7. No flares, slow, R-60s only and useless R-40s.

MiG-25P 10.0 - 10.7
MiG-25PD 11.0 - 11.3
MiG-25RB 10.3 - 11.0

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Wait hear me out 2.7 great combo with the Su-122.


Because they haven’t gotten around to it yet - like myriad other equipment.

It isn’t popular and the English speaking community worships the (anti Foxbat) tabloids as long as they can stick it to Russia.

The foxbat can only pull 4.5 G’s max.

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The English speaking community is a huge champion of adding it to game regardless of propaganda one way or another.

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But do you see the huge discrepancy in BR placement between answers? It will be hard to balance, and I am praying gaijin will add it when decompression is further played out and we have a higher top BR.
It’s a one trick pony that makes it garbage at upper BRs and a match waster at lower BRs. I suspect Alvis would be closest at 9.7 however, maybe 10.0.

itll be very similar play style to f104

this doesnt really matter just dont turnfight foxbat can be a effective energy fighter it will be a very skill based plane

Depends on how good R-40 ends up being, anywhere from 10.0-11.0

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Not remotely. Even the F104 can pull more than that. It tended to only pull 5G turns in training, but that wasn’t its limit. 4.5G turns is the MOST the Foxbat can turn and even that starts to rip it apart. Its missile loadout would also be miserable due to radar issues.

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To eject a missile that failed to fire you need to do a 6G maneuver according to the manual.
And the PD has MiG-23 based radar with LDSD. R-40 thrust mass is slightly higher than AIM-7F.

Failure is at 11.5G.

there unlikely to model radar issues in and it should be a fine BNZ energy fighter using its speed over its opponents for example early mig 29s had engine failure issues with the rd33A engines those arent modeled in the only mig 25 to be added will be MIG 25 PD which solves most problems

your also not accounting for the 1.5x add on so what it turn in game is 6.75Gs