When do we think the A-6E will return?

Really wanted to buy the A-6E but didn’t have the funds. I was devastated when I found out it was removed.

Do we have any idea of when it will return? I am a lot more financially free now and would like to be ready to pick it up. I think it might come back for one of those “first flight” kind of things but thats just my idea.

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if they remove a plane, i doubt they’ll bring it back.

why was it removed tho

Premiums dont stay on sale forever. Some last years, others only a few months. Part of it is likely FOMO which “encourages” people to buy the Premiums when they are available. They also generally remove premiums from sale to make room for another. Most likely the AV-8B(NA) in this case

As for OPs question. It may return for a special event

Like this:


Hopefully never, the thing was an utter menace in Ground Matches, and quite useless in air.

It will probably come back on something similar to the KA-50, J-35A, or SU-7BMK ‘first historical flight’ or some battle which involved it, just depends on those dates.

Your best bet is April 19th, as that is when the prototype made its maiden flight


That’s why I decided to grind Japanese air, already unlocking the F-86F-30 and grinding to the R2Y2’s before they pull a Tiger mit. 10.5cm.

generate FOMO

Sometimes they return these vehicles once they wash them, sometimes never. Nobody knows.

that’s good!, do what you think is right! always :P

I assume it’s going to come back in the form of GE. A couple of premiums that were removed from the shop came back already. Not sure when it launched in game, but probably around that time in the future.

probably never it was strong and players too shit

Virtually everything removed gets brought back sooner or later as a “Limited time offer to get RARE vehicles…”

i see. thank you

According to an original poster of a leak list for 2.45 recently, there is a slight chance we could see an
A-6E SWIP which is most likely going to be a normal tech tree version (unless the snail team feels Mr. Krabby).


A-6E SWIP is a bit of an inside joke for the leaklists and has been on every single leaklist for the past 2 or so years.

If/when it does come, it will be a massive surprise


if you have any interest in japanese ground id grab the ho-ri production before they take it off the tech tree as well

I would, but I don’t care enough to spend money on it, plus I can get the TT version after I finish the Type 99