Great! Did you leave a review about that in march, then? When that grind was exactly the same? How about February? Or January?
I did, 2 years ago, and then updated it in May, as described in the review itself.

Oh right, nothing changed, that’s why they had to rollback the changes that weren’t changes because they didn’t make changes.

That’s why they had to apologize for the changes they did not make.
That’s why they wrote this garbage where they treated the players like infants who just don’t understand the big brain of Gaijin

That’s why they acknowledged not addressing the concerns that were voiced over time.

That’s why they held an entire survey and analyzed them because nothing happened at all and this is just without reason.

That’s why they created an entire roadmap, because nothing at all happened during the month of May that led to this.

Makes total sense for a 125k people to go out of their way to leave a negative review in a matter of days because nothing happened and they just randomly decided to create probably the largest community response Steam has ever seen.

Surpassed only slightly by Overwatch 2 which is a massive franchise and a mainstream game with a lot of media attention, and they only barely managed to be more upset on the day the game got released on Steam than Warthunder players were on a random day in May close to 10 years after release because nothing happened at all.

Creeping normality is a process by which a major change can be accepted as normal and acceptable if it happens slowly through small, often unnoticeable, increments of change. The change could otherwise be regarded as remarkable and objectionable if it took place in a single step or short period.
It’s almost like Gaijin has read a psychology book and is constantly doing these sort of things.
The only reason someone would be upset about only that one specific period of time being frozen is if their main interest was not in actually honestly just informing new players but if their main interest was stirring shit.
Again, my review clearly stated it was primarily aimed at new players. literally word for word, so I’d say that’s a pretty false assessment of my intentions.

And the end of the review

So yes, clearly my main interest was steering shit and I just needed to be part of the community frenzy and not actually honestly just trying to inform new players, which apparently is not possible according to you.
And I did all this because nothing happened at all in May.