Quite a few aircraft radars (and some SPAA radars I would imagine) are capable of locking multiple targets in TWS (and in the case of ESA radars, some in STT locks), allowing you to rapidly fire missiles at each selected target in turn. This has been something that could have been added many patches ago but there is still no signs of this capability being added, nor have I heard any discussion of this capability from players or gaijin. Is this something that is even on Gaijins “radar” to add to the game?
Hopefully not.
I’m pretty sure it’s present at least on the pantsir, not 100% sure though and I don’t know how it works
This is already something in game with the ARH missiles. in TWS mode you can select a new target and fire again, as long as the old target is still getting pinged by your radar then the first missile will get datalink updates on where to fly until it locks with its own radar.
Not what I am talking about, that is just cyclic target switching. I don’t wan’t to just randomly switch to next nearest contact. You should be able to designate primary, secondary, tertiary, etc TWS targets and fire at each one of them in sequence.
TWS currently seems quite buggy and semifinished either way
nobody knows If it’s planned so we’ll have to wait and see
Oh, your first post made it sound like there wasn’t multiple target tracking with multiple missiles at all.
I think he means the ability of selecting multiple targets, hardlock (track) them
and fire upon each of them, even a SARH missile
Not in TWS no, only certain PESA and AESA radars can do that AFAIK.
i think actually doing that and not faking it is exclusive to AESA radars