Wheel traction

The current friction system for wheeled vehicle is simply doesn’t exist, the driving experience is just like feces-flavored chocolate. There are some places which will drag you down to the river or pulling you down from the hill while at other spot you will forces to bleed out your speed just like driving in mud. And for those who still don’t realise where the problem and I just want to say those vehicle is not just the Toyota Prius you see on the road, those are armoured fighting vehicle which weight more than 20ton, so they does not act like a toy car on a glass mirror. The wheeled vehicle in-game right now is just pathetic, because they can’t act like what they designed for, they not the fastest nor the most flexible, and most of the time they can’t even having the access to some sniping spot just because the Gaijin developer think they can’t climb up any slope that more the 5 degree