What's you're worst "getting Gaijined" moment?

I recently had this incident where my Kv-1E was overpressured by 6pdr HE, and I’m wondering how badly others have been gaijined (aka experiencing something that probably shouldn’t happen/experiencing a confusing bug).


I don’t have it recorded, but probably just seeing the enemies commander just eat your entire shell

Having my entire mag of 20mm Hvap oerlikon from the ush-204 gk, shellshatter on the side of a hellcat, PT-76, etc.

Hvap and other apcr munitions are the worst.


Uhm I think it was when I shot 2 missiles at a Russian su27 and both of them hit but the plane didn’t go down and was just fine then that su 27 went back to base and killed me. (Stalinium at its finest)


Playing the “mighty” Black Prince in my brother account i suffered similar deaths too. One was specially good when a Ostwind kill the entire crew frotanlly and only using a single impact.

Or the Gepard and other stupid SPAA one tapping my T-10M because the cupolas are made of nothing apparently

Playing the AUBL 74 (the 90mm version,to be clear)

That’s it, that’s the Gaijin moment,that HEAT-FS creates Gaijin moments 90% of the time

Once was playing the french A-36B, some dude cut my two wings and destroyed my engine but instead of falling like a stone like I should’ve, I started spinning fast and flying straight horizontally… Kinda like a frisbee
So yeah I’m not an aircraft engineer but I’m pretty sure that doesn’t happen with a wingless plane with engine dead.
I crashed into a hill btw

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I am not 100% sure if i got gaijined or was victim of an advanced hack, but in this replay:

Gaijin Entertainment - Single Sign On

You see me playing 6 v 2 and out of nowhere 5 players (4 friendly, 1 enemy) crashed making a 6 vs 2 into a 2 vs 1. Just by pure luck i survived this connection loss - i was at very high alt whilst diving with air brake already released. Time of connection loss around 10:15 to 11:30.

My only friendly survived as he flew straight and level. The sole enemy left in his Yak-3 had obviously no problem to keep his aircraft stable, blind hunted the F6F and killed him. And - he looked rather suspicious. I mean he asked me later where where i am, despite the replay proves that he was tracking me. He got what he deserved.

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ATGM ricocheted from here to the left side of turret and overpressured me.


OOF overpressured by six pound high explosive is bloody hilarious, Should seen it to a game fail channels like the episodes Bo Time does heh.

Biggest fail I’ve ever had was in RB NF EC back before the TT split, on the English Channel map with a Type IV Hunt class Escort Destroyer H.M.S Brissenden (Pennant number L79) sailing at ahead slow screening a column of Liberty ships & SS Ohio’s.

Here I am on the starboard side close in on one of the AI Merchant Ships blasting away at a flight of Junker 88’s (since the older EC’s had bomber flight objectives) when out of nowhere a torpedo struck my port side resulting in the destroyer coming to a holt in an attempt at saving it but she got such a heavy list she started foundering.

The thing is the merchant ship was directly to my port side just under 20 metres which is well below arming distance.

This resulted in some friendly banter between teams due to what had happened as the torpedo had come from a German Type 1939 fleet torpedo boat (specifically a G7e from T22 as T31 had different torpedoes at the time (G7e Mod T5a homing torpedoes)) that had fired a spread at the column & the merchant ship has a far deeper draft which should’ve been struck instead, yet here I am telling this event hah hah hah stupid old merchant ship models.

Now what I’ve seen on multiple occasions until fix was the Tsukuba class Armoured Cruiser Ikoma capsized by ships tapping their sterns at the start of matches, leading to incredibly salty players in the teams of those matches, similar times with the Chidori class Torpedo Boat Chidori, yay they got to relive the Tomozuru incident… (Tomozuru was training at sea when it was caught in a storm & rolled over due to the original design being incredibly top heavy for such a small ship).

3 second burst from some 150 meters in a BF109F4 into the wing of a P-47. I watch each shell hit and make the guy’s wing sparkle like a christmas sparkler.

Nothing but “Hit!” and the flap falling off at the very end.

Only way that P-47 went down was me swinging the nose back over and chewing his tail off like I was using 50 cals or even 7.7mms rather than mg151/20mm. Went from 170 shells to 127 throughout the encounter.

Meanwhile, I flew out my Ki-100 a few days ago and dropped a 2 second burst as I yanked the nose up in an arcing shot trying to intercept the P-51C and as I eased off the stick, I saw him spinning wingless. Another 2 second burst with the Ki-100 into a bomber (b26 iirc?) and it lost its wing as well.

about 8 months ago right at the end of a good game, this guys barrel decided to insta repair, probably not the worst thing to happen to me but its the only one i cant get out of my head


Funny (of course it’s a T80)

Heat-fs ricochet.

i wonder if i still have this one let me search for it

T-10M APHE shell non-pens Phz2000, i shot it, Premium time saved him and gave him the chance to kill me


Gaijin: bug will be fixed in next minor update. We believe British tanks shouldn’t be able to kill Russian tanks.

Does best Gaijined moment count?


Well, this happened in history. Just search for “How Tiger 131 got disabled” :)