What's wrong with the Dicker Max?

I noticed that these things either one shot me, or bounce off my armor. Doesn’t this thing have a massive cannon?

Yes it has a 128mm cannon (I think it’s the same as the maus). It should one shot anything at it’s BR plus any other. I think the main reason that it bounces off of your armor is probably players just shooting fast before aiming or just having bad aim in general.

Also, kinda off topic but, I’d recommend moving this to machinery of War section because this will get locked if not

Thats the Stuer Emil, the Dicker Max has a 105mm.


Its the magic of volumetric. Yes if it pens (or not for open topped) it should be catastrophic. However the shenanigans of how Gaijin does the ballistic penetration calculations means you get “artifacts” like shells bouncing off of sheet metal hit at high angles, or overlapping seams that produce unlikely outcomes.


Oh, dang I’m slow. It’s been a long day 😂

Shitty volumetric, gaijin being a _____, or you bought premium time.

Or the people shooting him, and bouncing ran out of premium time ;)

Yeah, one coin, different sides.

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Lol yeah

I used to use both the Dicker Max and Sturer Emil because they both have great gun depression angles and both are subject to Gaijin’s shi**y dmage model which sees perfect hits on things like a PZIV upper plate from dead front on regularly do nothing but ricochet despite them being high calibre high velocity shells. A hit like that IRL would scatter pieces of the Panzer through 6 different zip codes. And don’t even get me started on how a perfect shot from a Sturer to an 88mm flak bus’ ammo box at the rear of the vehicle passes straight through the ammo and does nothing but turn one or two shells yellow.

One of the most frustrating aspects of this game is taking the time to choose the right weapon for the map, then using a bit of intelligence to move to a good firing position, taking patience to aim for an enemy’s weak spot, making a great shot, only for Gaijin to say “Sorry, you didn’t win our damage lottery today” and having it do zero damage and then to have the “deer in the headlights” turn and fire at you, hitting you somewhere completely inconsequential and having the shot make miraculous physics defying turns to wipe out your entire crew.


The large gun does not mean higher pen damage.

Maybe not, but when the round I’m using has 248mm pen, it SHOULD pen the front of a PZIV… and it SHOULD set off the Flak 88’s ammo.

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You do understand what overpressure and post-pen are? or what ricochets are?

Yes. I do.

You don’t when you’re trying to claim a 105 should 100% destroy a tank. This completely goes against recordings of Panzer IVs that survive one or 2 shots from a 75. While later ones could survive a round from the 76mm.

Tanks aren’t always instant kills. WT is also rather finicky and spaghetti-coded.

It seems you are the one who doesn’t understand. For starters, the STURER does not use a 105. I’m using PzGr 43 128mm shells with 248mm pen and 3/4 of a kg of TNT equivalent. Secondly, when I hit a PZIV flush in the middle of the upper front plate from front on and get told it’s a ricochet doing zero damage, it makes a mockery of the damage model. As does hitting a Flak bus directly in the ammo compartment when he’s side on and the only thing that happens is a couple of his shells go yellow. This sort of thing happens all too frequently. I call BS. And yes, WT is spaghetti coded and I’d use a stronger word than “finicky” myself.

Which one is it, Dicker Max or Sturer cause last I recalled this was about the Dicker Max, not the Sturm Emil.

If you read the post I made, the one you were commenting on, you’d see it was primarily about the Sturer.

You can try the 155mm aphe from T30 lol it will fail to pen a lot of things since the penetration only equals to the one on the Panther, that’s why most players use the HE instead.

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