The only thing this tank has going for it compared to the Leo 2A4M of the same br (I own both) Is that its slightly faster and has a faster reload, but the Leo 2 gets clear thermals, some vehicles in 10 br get super clear thermals, but the clickbait is stuck near top tier with borderline unusable thermals that make your eyes hurt, why is that?
Because of IRL capabilities.
Based on what though? Any documents showing the resolution of the M1A1HC vs something like the T80-E1 or leo 2a4m and if not how is it not just guessing?
Publicly available information in published works. I do not know what is used for specific vehicles, but if you can find any information saying otherwise then you can make a historical bug-report to get it changed (if the sources are to Gaijins standard).
The M1A1HC only has 1st generation TVDs.
People have posted videos of the M1s thermals and they look higher resolution than what Gaijin considers as 2nd or 3rd gen, so clearly the “gen” isn’t what matters, its the resolution
Which M1? There are over 11 different variants of M1 Abrams, what video are you talking about and what are the specifics behind it?
The M1A1HC uses a 640x480p TIS, with the thermal sight in game being of Gen 1 variety (500x300).
Later sights, such as that on the M1A2 SEP, are 640x512p. In-game it is 800x600, or 2nd gen.
26 generation terminals on all abrams gaijin
Second generation thermals were only implemented with SEP, AIM, and possibly FEP. Third gen was added to the SEPv4, but the program was canceled, and most likely newer SEPv3s well find themselves with the SEPv4 fire control system, which gives them third gen thermals and the ability to fire AMP. But the Heavy Common always had first generation.
But what is “first generation” and “second generation”? All generations of techs don’t have the same specifics, I’ve heard claims that American first gen sights are higher resolution than “2nd generation” French/Russian, if so the games’ distinction is just arbitrary
Well they are likely wrong then, it’s well known that optics wise the world leaders in thermal imaging are Israel and France (Rafael and Thales in terms of defense corps) and both have had better track records in producing high resolution thermal imagers than US corporations over the years
You can’t put the JST on a targetting pod or tank sight can you
As far as I know, all abras from M1A1 and M1A2 received new thermal imagers.
Its the best thermal imager in the world
Yes to FEP, it’s analogue to the SEP.
AIMv2, not AIM. At least to my knowledge, the AIM never received its new FCS accessories but the AIMv2 did.
AMP can be fired by the SEPv3, the only downside to it when compared to the v4 is that it has far worse sight systems. That’s pretty much all… Imported systems that increase capability by a LOT.
If you compare date to date and declare generations off of that, they’re the same. If you compare a Soviet thermal from the late '70s to an American thermal from the early '80s, it’s obviously going to be worse.
Agava is widely seen as the same in terms of technology as TIS-I.
Oh boy, we love putting lagrangeal stellar bodies onto our next generation MBTs.
Literally the ONE thing the SEPv4 needed to import from other countries is its new sighting systems.
…And its APS
…And its ADL…
TIS-II here