My PC ran this game completely fine, getting 60 fps even in max graphics, but now I can barely manage to have a smooth game even if playing on low; I keep freezing, stuttering, the sound keeps cracking, it’s almost unplayable.
It exacerbates in “urban” maps (even in abandoned factory), and this issue seems to have appeared since the Dancing Dragon update, it’s really frustrating. Anyone else has been having the same issue?
Yes. I’ve had to drop to nearly ULQ to keep over 60 fps. I think they’ve implemented some of the ray tracing effects even when you have it turned off (the reflections in the “water” puddles in the hanger for example) that is causing a big performance hit.
see the same thing happened to me im a new player i can play completely fine on ps4 i download and start on pc and it runs smooth very rarely i have it set to minimal i went through all presets it tends to load and run when i hit the windows button its really weird, i have 100gb or so free so its not that and i have a good pc