What's up with 5+ minute queues with 80+ people waiting in the queue?

Those people in my battle rating. Suddenly, I am getting really long queues with too many people waiting. People are good at detecting patterns, so this is the first time I am having such long queues. Normally, late night ARB queues were long but prime time GRB queues?


I don’t know now its 104 waiting for battle on ground arcade lol

yeah im noticing this as well

Server imploded most likely

5 minute wait time at top tier with about 250 in queue

Atleast we get to see how popular each country is

Meh, i doubt that thing is accurate at all
i’d expect a lot more playing swedish top tier + the amount of times the USSR fights itself in top tier also doesn’t make sense with that amount

Its arcade though

Tbh as someone who got to top tier Sweden, they’re a lot rarer than I would expect. Usually only 2 players at most which is surprising considering they make like half the teams around 10.3

ah, that’s probably why

It’s not common but i’ve had matches where the majority of the team are swedes

Someone forgot to feed the hampter

People just not playing anymore since the cruddy map changes probably.I haven’t bothered for a while ,maybe others are sick of it as well.I had a quick go to see if I could find the magic again but I found instead that I couldn’t shot a hole through a wire net fence in Cargo port and left again for fallout 4. Bored of the map destruction.

Definitely not this ^ lmao, its just server issues

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So the game hasn’t turned to shit and people are not sick of map changes? that what you sayin? I have plenty of occasions where the game is dead late night now.Never used to be .Have to switch servers to get a game.Never had to do that.

Maybe you should have your settings set to multiple servers, i get into games at all manners of the night or day, unless im playing coastal, thats usually a 2-3 min wait

My point is that i just left it on US for years and it was fine.Now if I want a game I do have to put it on all servers.

I mean i guess thats a US thing but if your talking about player count warthunder has been pretty much increasing in player count since New Power. So i cant say that the game is dying when i know for a fact its not.

I don’t have that long queue times. Maybe 10-20s, but one weird thing I noticed is that I play with/against the same people over and over in the last week. Almost as if the funny number in the hangar’s top left corner is completely made up.

There were issues yesterday, but would be solved by now… so its a out of date thread

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