Thats pure facts just look at the ttw ratio
Tbh im dumb for not searching it earlier
So we are done her?
Thats pure facts just look at the ttw ratio
Tbh im dumb for not searching it earlier
So we are done her?
None of those are facts for in-air performance, and TWR isn’t the full story of balancing aircraft.
TWR is only peak sub-sonic climb rate.
0 kph thrust doesn’t matter for anything other than takeoff speed.
Wait, what, what alt are you doing? it took my blank Mirage 2 minute from 0m and 0km/h to Mach1.5 at 4k altitude.
10,600 meters, the altitude used in real-life tests because comparing to both real-life and in-game vehicles is best.
I accelerate to 1000kph on the deck, climb to 10,000 meters retaining the same mach speed of around mach 0.92, level off to 10,600 and accelerate to mach 1.5.
I’ll be doing this for all jets in the game in at least two configs: Full internal fuel, and 5 minutes AB fuel [meta BVR load].
I’ll likely do a 9 minutes full AB load as well.
Well this is what i can do on the phone but my point is still stands f15e engines are much much better then the f15c(in ratio ofc)
Spade f15e and come back to me after u see how fast it is
The F-15E is always spaded in test flights, and my F-15E is spaded currently.
All data is spaded data.
Right, I’ll try that. I thought the best solution is use what is given, use test flight spawn at 7km, same speed for all aircraft and that will be a lot less human influenced. I’ll do the test by multiple standards, including the climb to 4k alt at 5 degree and see the speed; ur methods and 7k alt tests. I actually concluded Mirage is not that slow but yeah.
U right
This is exacly what u need and yes ik its early dev server before the nerfs but he compare it to f15c and other jets
This is after the nerfs so u can take the f15c numbers from the previous video and compare them
This might be better then the first video for you
Also wrong it around 2 tons
Brakes applied on full dry thrust is how I start. AB on brakes off, hit record right before that.
Brakes to mach 1.5 at 10,600 meters.
Yeah there’s human error, but it’s usually 1 - 3 seconds, nothing major.
I will gladly test/1v1 you this weekend to prove my point
I did simply acceleration at 11k alt, it wasn’t that slow, although yeah.
Results are pretty… IDK, Mach 1-1.5 at 11K alt Mirage took just under 50s, 47-49.
I didn’t have F15 or much else to compare to, so I took Su27 for one, very similar, faster by a second or so on average. J10 is same, F16A is slightly faster, but J8 smokes it by around 15 seconds.
Starting at slightly lower speeds I suspect the other planes will do better, but yeah.
Some of the drag, only other real factor other than T/W ratio. These are all delta wings so yeah, J10 is insane which is why I think it might do better.
I also forgot to mention: Combat loadout for the official spreadsheet.
Max A2A missiles, best loadout. Though for F-14s I’ll do best loadout and 2nd best cause AIM-54s are heavier.
Oh right, I did no loadout, but I haven’t gotten my mods so can’t do it. I can see it is slower, but to me a person who has played one or two F15 games, I think it isn’t that much slower than models I have had experience with like j10 or J11. Can u link spread sheet plz?