What we like about War Thunder

The virtual museum aspect of the game, it is huge. All this info about engineering, mechanics, physics, history etc. Thus playing war thunder can actually make you smarter! Lol attack the D point.

I just started sim air. It took some time and testing to config, but it worth it. It is like another game for elderly. Every type of aircraft can serve a purpose. It surely needs some improvement here and there.

For me the two best things that the game has that keep me playing are:
1- The Test drive. Being able to test the vehicles without having to use them in a game, being able to shoot at targets on the map.
2-The ease of using historical skins and the players who make them with enormous quality. Possibly this is the main motivation I have to play this game, unlocking vehicles to be able to use them in the test drive testing the wonderful historical skins created by players. I have always found it incredible the enormous quality that some players have when creating skins, reaching the point of being far superior to the devs in that regard.
I have more than 160Gb of skins, most of them historical, and I have even bought premium vehicles just because they created interesting skins for them.
For everything else that the game can provide, well nothing, the usual bugged garbage, maybe one day they will fix things so that playing games is interesting, in the meantime I will play the few games necessary to unlock vehicles and thus put historical skins on them and be the double the time within the test drive, and spending as little money as possible, since it is a game that in essence you do not feel is worth spending a lot of money on (another good thing is the GJP, which has allowed me to buy quite a few things without spending a single €).


I like the massive variety of vehicles, Gaijin’s attention to detail on each vehicle, and semi-realistic physics. It isn’t as simple as Ace Combat, but it isn’t as complicated as DCS world. Perfect balance. I also like that the game has a complicated damage model for every single vehicle. Not too many games allow you to limp back to an airfield with one engine destroyed or disable a tank by shooting its radiator. The constant bug fixes, while extremely minor in most cases, are nice. Shows that the devs are at least paying some sort of attention to player input.

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It just scratches that itch for armored warfare that I got from playing BF3 and BF4 back in the day, there is no other game like it currently, and the fact that it is so easy to get into is also appreciated, WT is far from perfect. I just wish it was more immersive in some aspects, but that’s about it.

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So glad I cant see it :)

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lol A lot of them that could just shoot me with Mg none stop, cannon, and ram me. I do it to make them cringe since i know they hate seeing it.

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I like watching the fighter that’s been tailing me burn down at the hands of my tail gunner