I’m level 100 I’ve played the game. If you can just reskin a vehicle and add it to a tech tree and call it unique your delusional.
An entirely new commission after hours of research on whether a new model commission is needed is the definition of unique in both the money spent and the actions taken.
No need to have a post of gaslighting; yes, accusing people of that is the textbook definition of gaslight.
I am sorry for anything you take as “gaslighting” its not intend.
In the end it doesn’t matter what research is done or money spent, we are the consumer and we got the exact same product except with a Dutch flag on it. In my mind and many others that is copy-paste.
remove France from the game entirely
Remove USSR, it’s just a big bait. Now seriously, the copy and paste, in my opinion is the problem, and France didnt need it, yes, it may be people that supported (I’m not their friends, I don’t like them), because I have some doubts someone just wanted three the same Leopard 2, taking Japan as example that at the moment, excluding Israel, is the single Western tech tree that doesn’t have a higher tier filler, and from experience, it’s doing very well without a possible Thailand copy and pasted vehicles.
yeah, so unique they had to change 2 code lines max and slightly tweak 4 textures
three bucks and whatever they found in their pockets is all the money the benelux states cost, especially since the fokker model was already a user mission years ago
the thailand alphajet (the second one) is actually a very unique and distince modification unlike the benelux copy paste stuff. Also the f5 variants are mostly slightly changed or available in a tech tree for the first time.
It’s clear you never looked at 3D modeling before.
Vehicles can cost minimum $$,$$$ and into the hundred-thousands.
Gran Turismo 5 cost $60,000,000 to produce featuring 243 newly produced models. Over a quarter million per car. Of course there were other things added to the game, and we’ll never know the exact number spent on each car added.
The point is vehicle additions cost more than you think.
None of this is as expensive as creating an AI for a PVE environment though.
BeNeLux sits well in France, and personally I find Belgian AFVs more interesting than Dutch ones. Germany already has enough Leopards, but a Leopard 1A4 would suit quite nice.
Unfortunately sub-trees bring vehicles “because a nation needs it at X BR” instead of “because it’s an interesting addition”. Balance can definitely exist between both but it seems like apart from the Fokker the rest of the vehicles are practically a reskin.
Well, most are ‘unique’ models with some modifications, or in some cases, fully unique ones. But indeed, for playstyle-wise most are the same as their sister vehicles from which these imported vehicles came from. This is the main reason why so many people say ‘copy-paste’. Personally I have never had a problem with such additions if it enhances a line-up or if they are historically significant additions.
There are a lot of unique vehicles that could still come, like these Belgian low-Br Tanks:
(from back to front):
- T.13 B1
- T.15
- T.13 B3
- T.15
There are also a lot of modern Benelux vehicles that could come, we’ll see where Gaijin takes us.